


So, how many of you have had a medical symptom and looked it up online only to discover that you had some rare deadly disease? OK well, maybe not deadly, but you self- diagnosed and your symptoms could be any of a number of ailments.

Self help books

With that in mind, should you self- examine your inability to change? No. If you can’t self-diagnose medical issues, what makes you think you can self-diagnose other issues?

One of the worst things you can do

Self-examination is one of the worst things you can do. Hundreds of thousands of persons damn themselves daily for indulging in self-analysis.

You do know the answer

It is a general belief among life coaches that you do have the answer. You and only you know what the answer is to any question you have. Self-analysis needs experienced guidance. You need someone to ask the proper questions to help you come up with the answers.

Self conviction

If you come up with the wrong diagnosis, you can do more harm than good. The wrong conclusion is a trip to hell. We are hampered by conventional education, conservative theories, public prejudice, self-ignorance.

Experienced guidance

Want change? Want motivation? When you get experienced guidance, you will figure out what “makes you tick”. That realization is a life changer. It is exciting. You will smile and nod and think yep, that’s it. Then you will have  new excitement for life. That translates into motivation.

Real change

So, the question is do you want to change or read about how to change? How many of you have studied a self-help book for a week or so, and have neither figured out “what makes you tick” nor how to change to fulfill your needs in a positive manner. Does the book make it seem hard? Does the book say you can with a lot of work? If so, that person is making it so much harder than it needs to be. That person is not talking to you. That person is applying their remedy to a general audience. Sure, self-help books can bring hope, but more often than not it is short lived. It is sort of like starting a new diet. You do well at first, then feel deprived and stop the diet. Then you feel bad because you stopped.

What’s your problem?

Tell me about it.


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching.