Wounds Heal

A Letter to the Wounded

For most of us there will times in our lives that are difficult or hurtful in some way.
We may, for instance, have lost a loved one, be diagnosed with a serious illness, be painfully lonely and lost.
Our reactions to these events will to some extent be dependent on our individual strengths and resources.
Many people will become somewhat depressed / anxious due to the radical change in their circumstances. It is not unusual to have this adjustment reaction.
However, for many it can be severe and prolonged causing intense emotional pain and giving rise to physical and psychological symptoms.
We can become trapped in our own mental prison, in a constant cycle of negative and self depreciative thoughts which self perpetuate.
This mindset can colour all that we perceive around us.
We can feel helpless, weak and vulnerable to any intrusion from the outside world which is why many hide themselves away, both physically and emotionally.

The future may seem bleak and intimidating , the present moment may be filled with fear and dread.
At our lowest ebb, it seems life becomes a living, dark nightmare from which escape is impossible.
We lose perspective and forget what life can hold for us

Did you forget the radiant sunrise at the dawn of the day?
Did you forget the gleeful looks of your loved ones when you entered the room?
Did you forget the powerful roar of ocean waves as they are thrown ashore?
Did you forget Nature’s seasonal masterpieces?
The crystal like frost of Winter,
The gentle awakening and resurrection of the flora and fauna in Springtime.
The warm Summer sun giving rise to the fruition of Gaia herself as she manifests at her zenith.

The subtle encroachment of Autumn as the leaves colours become almost iridescent and the cool, damp chill of the morning air.

No matter how wounded we are we can still experience the wonders of our world.
We can still get excited about an impending celebration.
We can still stare in awe at the Moon in the pitch black night sky.
We can still cherish the love of other humans and animals.
We can still discover new and life changing experiences providing we are open to them.
By their very nature wounds heal.
It may take time depending on the severity but it will.
The deeper wounds may leave scars.
Scarred skin is more resilient and tougher than skin that has not been wounded.

So if you are sitting there in your darkest night of your soul, unable to see the way forward.
Rest assured that if you have patience and give yourself the opportunity, this time will pass.
You will learn from this experience as your life begins to improve.
For if ever it happens again, you will know that you can again triumph and win your life back.

Lisa Y coaching, www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach