What is your reason for being?

Why does the world need you?

You are here for a reason. Want to know why? Let’s figure it out.

How would you describe yourself? Mind gone blank? Let me help.  Are you honest? Kind? Smart? Outgoing? A leader? Energetic? Athletic? An expert on food? Love movies? Love books? You get the idea.

What are your values? Honesty? Equality? Peace? Love? Being prompt? Giving 100%? Service to others? Fairness? Fitness? You get the idea.

What do you represent? Tough one? I know. Balance? Open mindedness? Fairness? Hard worker? Frankness with others? Friendship? Dependability? Resourcefulness? You get the idea.

What do you want to embody? Kindness? Helpfulness? Patience? Consideration? Tolerance to all? Acceptance of differences? You get the idea.

Now put it all together. As you can tell, all of these things overlap. And they all come together as your reason for being and why the world needs you. It does so like this:

Reason for Being:

That which you are good:  your passion: what you love = your mission


That which you are goodprofession: that for which you are paid = vocation


That which the world needs.

In other words:

That at which you are good = reason for being and why the world needs you.

It is that simple. There is no need to ponder the meaning of life.

What is my purpose? See above.

Have a great day!

