What is your body saying?

Do you have any aches or pains?

I am a firm believer that our body aches and pains have a deeper meaning. Sure, you kick the door with your toe, hit the edge of the bed with your shin, or get hit by a ball playing a sport and you hurt that is pain from injury and that is a different thing. What I am talking about here are symptoms not directly related to an obvious injury.

It all about energy.

It has to do with too much energy being directed to an area. When we want certain things in life, we concentrate on that thing coming into our life. Just thinking about a thing creates the energy in you. This energy builds up. After some time, the energy builds up, and it forms a sort of traffic jam in the body. This blocked energy causes pain and other issues.

It is sort of like when a body *has too much* calcium. Your body will give symptoms of having too much calcium by having calcium deposits for example. But it isn’t that your body has too much calcium it has too little. You are not taking in enough calcium so your body creates more on its own. Then you get a build up.

Let me go over a few examples: 

Eyesight issues:   I, do you see it now? I.   If you have eyesight problems, it may have something to do with wanting to feel important. Maybe you feel insignificant. It may have something to do with needing to look at yourself. The reason for the eyesight issues varies from person to person. Only you know your reason. But here is what happened. You thought *I* this and *I* that. This brought *I* energy to your eyes. The energy has built up and now there is an energy jam. This slows down the muscles of the eyes. Your ability to focus has been compromised.

Back issues:  You don’t feel backed. There is no one to be supportive. Or you want to be supported more than you are. So you concentrate on getting backed. This brought *backing* energy to your back. And now you have an abundance of *backing* energy in your life. This energy is now in an energy jam. Your back does not move freely. The muscles are crammed full of energy making them cramp up.

Knee issues:  You feel a need for something. You need a job. You need someone. You need help. You think about this need. Now you have attracted kneed energy. Have you ever seen that before… need and knee? Anyway, just like the other issues, your need energy has built up and now there is a need energy jam. The energy is blocked and there is pain. Your flexibility is blocked.

Foot issues:  It depends on the issue, but the feet are the end of the line. Your feet are an exit point for energy. So, there is a build up of energy that slowly runs through the body. It ends up in your ankles. It ends up in your toes. So, ankle pain and foot issues can be from an abundance of energy ending up there. This energy can get jammed up in the ankles making them stiff. This energy can get jammed up in the toes causing bunions and arch issues.

What to do?

Step one is to diagnose the symptom. For example, knee issues what do you need?

Step two is to realize that you have brought a lot of need energy into your life.

Step three is to release the excess energy from the affected area. Knee issues, release the excess energy through meditation. Visualize the excess energy becoming unblocked and moving through the body to an exit point. Use self-hypnosis to allow your subconscious to go to work on this for you. Tell your subconscious it is Okay to let this excess energy leave.

Step four is to visualize healing energy coming in. If something like Epsom salts would be helpful for example to reduce inflammation, then visualize Epsom salts surrounding the affected area. Do not put on braces. These only cut off energy. They will only add to the energy jam. If is helpful to apply heat. Heat will open up the path of energy and help it to move. 

Step five is to find a better way of getting what you seek. In our knee issues example, ask what do you need? Hint: this would be one of the four survival needs I have discussed previously. Now, find a way to meet this need on a higher level. In our knee issues example, it may mean finding a way to get what you need through your own means or through means you have not tried before. It could mean going out of your comfort zone.

In summary: You can bring what you want into your life. Your physical symptoms are a testament to that. But there are better ways of bringing this energy into your life than debilitating physical energies.

I hope this helps. If you want help with this, let me know.


