What don’t you know that you don’t know?

What is it you don’t know?

That is hard to know. But what you are overlooking,  the hurdles that you don’t see are the biggest challenges.

You don’t want to go overboard in trying to think of every thing that can go wrong in your adventure. Because if you do, you very well may never start. You want to be prepared, but not overly prepared.

What you want is to be knowledgeable in the subject. You want to know what it is that you want to do inside and out. One thing that I have noticed when someone wants to do something is that they do not have it fully defined.  They give a blank stare when you ask them to define what they want. They don’t know what they want the end result to be or how to get there.

Having your project well defined will make it easier to solve any problems that may arise. One thing you can do is to instruct someone on your project. As you instruct someone else you will find the gaps in your plan. Invite to whom you are explaining it to ask questions and clear up any misunderstandings they may have. You may consider explaining the concept to you as if you were unfamiliar with the project. It’s OK to talk to yourself. It’s thinking out loud. You may consider have someone else explain it back to you to see what you may have over looked.

As you go through these exercises, you may find a few holes in your plan. Don’t feel bad. This is all for improvement of your project. It is an opportunity to learn how to make improvements and possibly to not have any huge obstacles to get in your way.

