The world is not out of control

“There are dark shadows on the Earth, but it’s lights are stronger in the contrast.” ~Charles Dickens

The world is not out of control. We have allowed ourselves to relinquish control to others. Now, now one is in control. But, we can take the control back.

Climb to Hlidskjalf

A guide to developing spiritual consciousness for world transformation. With increased spiritual consciousness comes harmonious love. Fear and anxiety will disappear and life will become meaningful with fulfillment. To the unenlightened, this will seem to be a fantasy. Yet, progress comes from those who do not take the accepted views not accept the world as it is.

For more information:  or to sign up Climb to Hlidskjalf ($20 fee for 20 lessons)

100th Monkey Syndrome. In Japan in 1952, scientists were studying wild monkeys. One day a monkey did something new. She washed a sweet potato before eating it. As time went on, she continued to clean her potatoes. Other monkeys started to wash their potatoes More and more of them cleaned their potatoes. Then, in 1958, when all the monkey’s were doing this, scientists noticed monkeys on other islands were doing it too. Now. there was no connection between the islands, and no monkeys had been transferred to other islands.

One monkey transformed the world. Washing potatoes was a new level of consciousness. When enough of them had accepted it, it spread from one island to another without any physical contact.

The amiable world. For some time now a lot of the world has become amiable. Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Avoid conflict of any sort. Give in to the demands of the drivers. But now the amiable have become fed up. They feel imposed upon and exploited.

World tension. We are wrapped up in ourselves. We use iphones to take selfies. Relaxing physically does no good as the mind is centered on you. We have become so tense that our energy and connection with the universe has become blocked.

The external world VS the internal. We have become a population which blames our life circumstances to the external world. Other things are to blame for our problems. Increasingly, people are victims of life’s circumstances. There is a feeling that things happen to us. We lack control.

We need to shift back to the internal world. We need to feel we are in control of our lives. We need to stop being victims. We can rescue the world.

Transform the world from the inside out. When we learn to love others as ourselves, the attention will be focused outwardly. When we learn to treat others as we would like to be treated, attention will be focused outwardly.

We created this world. We can change it. This is the entire principle of life. This is the true direction of man kind. We can create a different state of the world by making change an active part of our daily lives. As we improve our selves, we will improve the world.

If one monkey changed her part of the world, so can we.

“You will only be remembered for two things: the problems you solve or the ones you create. ” ~Mike Murdock

If you want to be part of the answer:

Climb to Hlidskjalf

A guide to developing spiritual consciousness for world transformation. With increased spiritual consciousness comes harmonious love. Fear and anxiety will disappear and life will become meaningful with fulfillment. To the unenlightened, this will seem to be a fantasy. Yet, progress comes from those who do not take the accepted views not accept the world as it is.

For more information:  or to sign up Climb to Hlidskjalf ($20 fee for 20 lessons)
