Community unity.

Hey Boss!

How are you today?

Tragedy unifies

So something bad happened and people are coming together. That is a great thing. There was a flood. There was a fire. There was an earthquake. There was a terrible car crash. There was a bombing. There was an airplane crash. When these things and more happen, it always brings us together. We get this feeling of community. We forget about all the silly little things and focus on being there for other people.  Which is great.

Unity all the time

What about the good times? Where is that sense of community in the good times? Let us come together just to come together. We are the same people in good times and bad. If you see a need, help. Don’t limit your self to only helping in times of tragedy. That old lady or man do they need help? The man pushing his motorcycle down the road. The friend who struggles to do something on the computer and needs help. The person who has their arms full and drops something. The single woman struggling to move something heavy.

Can you tell that that stranger is sad? Can you tell that stranger is angry? Can you tell they are struggling in some way? Maybe they just lost a loved one. Maybe they are sick. Maybe they hurt?

I know we are all busy. But really is it hard to do one nice thing even once a month? It feels good. You do that act of kindness you will smile all day.


All I am suggesting is that we show compassion all the time. Maybe that person you saw with their head on the table at the restaurant is sad. Maybe that person who looked away at the gym is barely hanging on. You don’t have to do much. Smile, nod and say take care. For the more daring, ask them if they are OK. Or ask them if they need a hug. You may just be surprised. But don’t be pushy. If someone wants to be alone, just say OK, and wish them well. Your simple act of kindness by showing interest, may have made a big impact on their life. You told them “you are not alone”.

Tell me what you think. I would love to hear from you.

Smile for me.


Lisa Y coaching