Be your own guru

Hello everyone~

The Guru

What is a guru? Well, I am sure you already know the answer. A guru is someone who has become well respected in their field. The guru or mentor is someone who seems to know everything there is to know about their field. The way that someone becomes this knowledgeable person is from studying the greats. Yes,  the guru has a guru.

The positive of the guru

The positive about the guru is that they are inspirational. You look to them and their accomplishments to motivate you in your quest. Many gurus, mentors, started at the bottom. They worked their way up the ladder. To see what they have accomplished gives you faith that you too can succeed. You may not have the same level of success, but you know you can do the thing in life that you want. You can start that business. You can make money in that investment. You can have that lifestyle.

The problem with a guru

In order to reach some goal, you may copy their steps. You model your actions after their actions. You do what they did. This inspiring person though may let you down. When we put someone on a pedestal, some where along the line they fall off. You may reach out to this person to help you by endorsing your idea. What you are seeking is for this person to do a shout out for you. You want them to like and share your Facebook post perhaps. Or maybe share their contact list so you can send out emails to people you know would like your project, service, or product. But then they fail to help you.

That is so disappointing. Why don’t they help? It is hard to say. The reasons are varied. But does it matter? They won’t help you.

Be your own guru

Here is my suggestion. You read their book. You took their class. You went to the seminar. Now, it is up to you to make it on your own. You have the knowledge. You still have the inspiring story to give you faith that it is possible to do what ever it is you want to do.

You know what to do. But, it may be overwhelming. They make it look so easy. Well, it is now, but remember, they have been doing it a lot longer. It is second nature to them. Just remember, they too had to master the skills you just now learned.

Sorting it out

What you need to do is to sort things out. Take things one step at a time. What helps? Talking to someone. I know from personal experience that things are not as messed up and confusing as they sometimes seem. For me, just spilling all the words and thoughts out into the world is helpful. In about 15 minutes, things start to make sense. Even if I had a jumbled mess of ideas flooding through me, after a few minutes things seem to start fitting together. The picture starts making sense.

Your thinking partner

What you need is a thinking partner. A thinking partner is someone who mostly listens. They also ask guiding questions. Put those two things together, and you find the path. You will find the direction you want to take. You will find the order of the steps to take. Frankly, sometimes it takes a few meetings with your thinking partner to get all those jumbled thoughts sorted.

The important thing is to start. You are not necessarily going to do things perfectly right. You may start on step 3, and that is OK. When you realize you started at step 3, you just go back and do step 1 and 2, and then you go back to step 3. Don’t worry. It will all work out. But you have to keep working at it until you put it all together.

Need help?

If you do not have a thinking partner, it would be my pleasure to help you out. I say we Co achieve. Let me know.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching

The life you want most.

Some thirty years ago two young brothers started their lives, and  careers. They were very much alike, these two young men. Both were smart, both were personable and both—as young twenty somethings are—were filled with ambitious dreams for the future. Now in their 50s, both are still very much alike. Both are happily married with children. Except one works at a job he hates. He is unfulfilled. The other, as the owner of his own company. He loves his work. He is living the dream.

What Made The Difference

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives? It isn’t desire, motivation, talent or dedication. It isn’t that one person wants their ideal life, and the other doesn’t. The difference lies with one being a life pro and the other needing help and not getting it. And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about life coaching. For that is the whole purpose of life coaches is to give their clients guidance—and to be the steward for the life they want most.

A Life Coach Is Unlike Counselors

You see, a life coach is a unique from say psychiatrists, psychologists or any counselor. Their job is to listen and question and help you to find the answer that lies within you. Then, they are your thinking partner, and together you make an action plan. Each day, a life coach will try to inspire you.

Having a Thinking Partner Is Power

There is no better way to figure out what to do than to talk about it to someone. Sometimes you need to talk to a neutral person. You need to talk to someone who is new to a situation so they do not have any preconceived ideas. You also need someone who will mostly listen and sometimes ask questions. It is also helpful to talk to someone who will be honest with you. Family and friends are great, but sometimes they say things that may not be true so as to not hurt your feelings. Or sometimes they discourage you from action. A life coach like me, has commands the truth and the courage to tell it.

How I can Help

General Coaching: What’s your problem? Money Coaching: Financial Independence Training. Get out of debt, No budget, More financial freedom. Relationship Acceptance Training: Improve any relationship. It does not matter with whom you have a problem, be it spouse, sibling, co worker, friend you can improve a relationship. Reconcile. Accept. Together. If you have never talked to a coach, you don’t know how useful it can be.

Would You Like to Improve Your Life? Would Solving Your Problems Right Now Help You Out?

Give it a try. For general coaching and Relationship Acceptance Training the first session is on me. Simply go to and leave me a message. I don’t put people into long contracts. You can stop our talks any time. I don’t drag things out. If you don’t need months and months of sessions, I won’t tell you you do. You continue your sessions as long as you want. If you feel as I do that this is a fair and reasonable proposition, then you will want to find out without delay if working with me with help you to have the life you most desire.

Want to Live Large?

There are 10 steps: Knowing their purpose. Not taking no for an answer. Stubborn, pigheaded determination. Self discipline to over come resistance. A warrior attitude. Over coming fear. Hard, effective work. Integrity. Boldness.

Co achieve, co answer!