United we stand divided we fall

Hating those who hold different opinions from oneself is not tolerance nor enlightened. It is bigotry.

Wanting no one to express opinions other than yours is not Freedom of Speech. It’s the antithesis of tolerance, enlightenment, and openness.

There is a good reason people have lived in clans, tribes, and communities, with the single most focus being cooperation for the betterment of the whole. There is a good reason animals live in packs. It’s called survival.


The division  we are experiencing, perpetuating, and co creating, at this time is causing Mankind to fall. Mankind— not just society.

It exhausts us, which opens us up to much easier manipulation by the Negative Forces.

People are feeling it. Animals are feeling it. The hatred and animosity feeds the Dark, empowers The Dark.

Hating a person, place or thing is in no way productive, except for empowering The Dark.

We can have tolerance, compassion, sympathy, empathy, and love for what we don’t like and don’t agree with, and still FOCUS on BUILDING , instead of HATING and TEARING DOWN.

The only  *one*  who wins when we hate and send hate and aggression is The Dark.

The protests against free speech need to end. We all need to be heard. Understanding comes from hearing different points of view.  If you disagree, great, but speak your mind in a positive way, and not by silencing the voice of others.

A tense person is wrapped up in himself, his immediate family, the events of his past, the prospects of his future, or how he is regarded by others. 

What does this tension do? It grips. It causes a stranglehold of the channels within him. It cuts off thinking. It is useless for such a person to relax physically as long as he continues to center the mind upon himself. The stranglehold will be there every minute, day and night. When we to love others as our selves, the attention will be focused outwardly, and therefore we will become relaxed. There will be no stranglehold  within and the mind will become free. 

Open your minds to other points of view. You don’t have to like their opinion. You can express your point of view, but let speech be truly free.


