My promise to


To be supportive even if I disagree with your point of view or think your dream is a bit too high. If you have lofty ideas or dreams, we will break them down into smaller, manageable steps.

To not dismiss any thought or passion you may have. As I say, if it matters to you, it matters.

To not treat you negatively if your thought or passion is different than mine.

To not correct you in what you really mean. You know you better than anyone. But you have to be true to yourself. But,  I will make sure you have not stated something incorrectly if what you said does not make sense to me.

To not talk down to you. If you tell me something, I will assume you know what you are saying. But, if you say something that does not make sense, I may ask why you believe something to be true. I will listen to you.


To fill the world with men and women living large with lives filled with passion, purpose, and boldness.

Thank you for your time.

Lisa Y coaching,

Brave to just face the day


How are you?


So, a client of mine said she thought her husband was the bravest man she knows.

Is he a fire fighter? No.  Is he a police officer? No. Does he train wild animals? No.

He is just an ordinary guy. He has an ordinary job. What makes him so brave?

In a nutshell, he suffers from a type of mental condition that makes facing the world a challenge. And every day he throws up at the thought of facing the day. Then he goes to work.  That is a special kind of brave.

Suffering in silence

So many people suffer from something that makes facing the day difficult. You may not have any idea how hard it is for so many people to just get out of bed much less do every day things. What is easy and natural for most is a dreadful chore for others.

They don’t want to talk about it because most people don’t want to hear about it. We want everyone to “be fine”. If you tell the truth and tell people you are not “fine”, you lose people quickly. So, many people suffer in silence to keep friends.


What to do? There is not much you can do if you don’t know. But people who are suffering do leave small clues all the time. They may show you how they have few possessions because they can’t afford them. They may tell you how they don’t use simple pleasures like heat or air conditioning. They may say they feel old. They may say how tired they are. They may not ever want to go out and do things. They may actually come right out and say something like I hate life. Or they may continually say how hard life is. They may continually say no one is there for them. (And maybe no one is there for them because people got tired of listening to them) If you have someone in your life, who says odd things or does odd things be supportive. Just let them know you care. You have no idea what that may mean.

If you are the one who feels life is a burden, and need someone to listen, you know where to find me.

Smile for me!


Lisa Y coaching