

Starting is always the hardest part.

Unless it is something you know you like to do, doing any project the hardest part is starting no matter what it is. Thinking about something, especially something unfamiliar, makes the project hard to start. When you are thinking about it, and wishing you were doing it because you think you should do it, makes the situation even worse. Sometimes that feeling I should but I am not actually works in reverse. Sometimes it just makes you drag your feet a little more.

Motivation. What is motivation? Goals you want to meet. A purpose to fulfill. Fears to overcome.

When you get past the thinking about it phase and start doing it, it usually is not as bad as you thought it would be. Sometimes, it is even fun. So, anyway, if there is something you want to do, well, do it. Stop thinking about it. Try it! Dig in!

When you accomplish what you set out to accomplish, think how good you will feel.

Got to go. I have a project to start.

If you want help with starting your project, or need help with motivation, let me know.
