Self-mastery class lesson one

Hey Boss~

How are you?

My purpose: To fill the world with men and women living large with lives filled with passion, purpose and boldness. 

Solving problems

The first way I want to accomplish this purpose is to help people solve their problems. This can be through helping them diagnose their inner drives and making a plan for change. Or it can be to help them with making decisions, work through relationship issues, give them a nudge, or listen.

Self-mastery course

The second way I want to accomplish this purpose it to inspire. I want to start a new series of posts I call the self-mastery course. To help people find a meaningful, fulfilling, and worthwhile life.

As we live on Earth, we struggle within. We all have some burning desires. We all want to have meaning in our lives. We want a purpose. If we think we are not doing these things, we feel incomplete.

Let’s get started. 


There is a oneness of the universe. We are all connected. This includes all living beings. From the tiniest ant, to dogs, cats, humans, and plants. The spirit of the universe is in all of us equally. None of us is greater than another. We are different. We have different roles, but we all are vital. We all reflect the light of the world.

To live spiritually is to want joy for all. It is to care about others. It is to see a need and to fill it as a natural reflex. It is to see the pain in the world and to want to do your part,  no matter how small, to make things better.

It is my philosophy that we should simply focus on our own part of the world. Make your own neighborhood a better place. Lend a hand to your neighbors. Lend a hand to your family and friends. If we all did this, the world would take care of itself. Think about it. The world is just a huge net work of neighborhoods. We don’t have to take care of the world. We only need to take care of our own neighborhood.

Spiritual evolution

We are spiritual beings at our core. It seems to me that as children we have this natural spiritual way about us. As we get older, something happens and we lose our innocence, and some where down the road of life we try to find it again.

If we pay attention to children and animals, we can see that natural, pure goodness, and we long for it. This is our spiritual evolution.

As adults, we become pulled in different directions. We get overwhelmed with fulfilling the needs for home, food, clothing and other things on one side and fulfilling the need for love, joy, fulfillment on the other. There never seems to be enough hours in the day for it all. We prioritize. After we take care of the things we have to take care of to provide for our physical needs we are often too tired to work on the spiritual or don’t have as much time for it as we would like.

Spiritual evolution has to do with bringing these two sides back together. One thing to do is to practice mindfulness. This brings awareness. This is the awareness of our self and the world around us. What brings joy, and what brings pain. As we become more aware, our minds create unity. We are no longer divided in our spiritual life and the mind becomes at peace. As we evolve, we become more and more selfless. We practice kindness as a natural reflex.

Lesson One: The war within

The war within is self-mastery.  It is to become spiritually aware. How are we building up people and how are we knocking them down?

The war within is taking care of our needs on one side and caring about the needs of others on the other. What we have lost is the understanding that spiritual unity is the glue that holds society together. Without spiritual unity, we have chaos.

 It is our moral duty to fight the good cause of spiritual unity.  It is our moral duty to grow our own spiritual evolution to grow the spirit of kindness and consideration for all, humans, animals and mother Earth.

OK. that is enough for today.

Smile for me.

Lisa Y. life coach