The Sparrow


The Sparrow

So, I just wanted to share this with you. This morning as I went to get my newspaper, I found a small sparrow. He was lying on the side of the driveway. Obviously it was not well. I picked it up and took it to my garage. I made a place for it to rest on top of my washer and dryer. I tried to get water to it, but I could not get it to drink. As I held it’s tiny body, I figured it would not live long. It was breathing heavily, and it closed it’s eyes.

I left it. I wished it would rest and recover. When I returned to check on it maybe an hour later, it had passed. I cried. For the next hour, I felt very sad, and cried a little more.

I care deeply.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to understand that I am very caring. A little bird I only “knew” for a couple of hours touched my heart. It does not take long for me to care deeply. If I care about a small sparrow, I care about you.

My wish today.

My wish today is I wish that on some conscious level that little bird knew I cared and that I loved it. What greater way to express love than to want to comfort another living thing when it is dying?

Caring or strange.

Any way, I just wanted to share that with you. You either think I am very caring or very strange for feeling sad for a wild bird.

What can I do for you?

If there is any way that you think I can help you, let me know.  Leave a message:

Smile for me.

Lisa Yerington, life coach