Shed your skin

If you are not happy with the life you have in order to change your life, you have to get rid of the one you have.  If life is not going according to plan, then maybe you are going down the wrong path. It may be time to change your path and go toward the life that is waiting for you.

Shed your skin.

The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come. Sometimes we have to get rid of the old ways  for inner growth. We must die and let go of what we are before we can enter into our next stage of growth. It is a rebirth. Some people think this is a difficult  process. But it really is not.

But, who would ever want to go through the death of everything they know? This is not something that comes because we are seeking it. It erupts upon us. We have no choice but to shed our old skin or die.


Life is about habits. We built our lives by making habits. We made them. We can break them. We can make new ones.

We create habits to fill a need. When the habit stops meeting a need, you can break it and change it. Then you make a new habit that is an empowering alternative.

When life is not going well and is especially difficult, you are going in the wrong direction. Your current habits are getting in the way. You need to find a different action to meet your goals.

Open up.

A woman opened up to me. I had her in a deep relaxed state. I had her mind be free of clutter. I had her tell me what came to mind. She started talking about all sorts of things. Then she thought about her mom. Her mom is deceased. They had been very close. They were highly dependent on one another. Now that her mom was gone everything had changed. She realized for the first time in several months how that dependence on another was both a blessing and a burden. As she talked her demeanor changed. It was like a huge weight had been lifted. She was shedding her skin.

By opening up, people can release the old skin and give the new skin a place to grow. She knew something was different after her mom had passed, but until that moment, she was not understanding the transformation. She did not know what she was experiencing.

When we have a change of perception, we can see a new world that was invisible to us before. Once we shed our old skin, we can never go back. That’s the indication of real spiritual growth.

