Your depression coach


Generally sad?

Hey, So are you generally, DEEP DOWN SAD? Do you get HURT  really EASILY? Do you feel like the ONLY PERSON on Earth who feels the way you do? Does the slightest thing RUIN your ENTIRE DAY? Does that feeling sometimes last for DAYS? Are your friends AVOIDING you because they are TIRED of your “NEGATIVE” OUTLOOK ON LIFE? FEELING ALONE?

Like understands like

So, who helps people better? Can someone who has never experienced the above help you? Or can someone who has felt the same help you better?  It is my belief that like understands like.

I don’t know your story. I would like to. Your story is unique. But I understand the above. I have felt the same way. Starting at the age of 16, I started feeling that way. These feelings have come and gone over the last 37 years. But I know how to feel better. It starts with understanding your inner drives and then working on it. This includes hypnosis or deep meditation where you give your subconscious permission to change.

Think of it this way. Who understands drug addicts? Can someone who has never been addicted to drugs understand a drug addict as much as a person who has been a drug addict? OK, so, who can understand sadness/depression better? Right, someone who has experienced it. It isn’t easy.

The sadness challenge

I know being sad is a challenge. It is a daily challenge. It causes a lot of pain. It makes you feel alone. But if you understand you inner drive, you can improve. You can find a better way to meet your needs. Look, I know it sounds crazy, but being sad and easily hurt fills a need. There are better ways.

Do you ever feel that you enjoy being sad? I told my mom that I liked being sad. She said no one likes to be sad. But some people do. It makes you unique. It is comfortable.  Do you ever feel that you would stop being you if you stop being sad? It is a hard habit to break. But as I have said before like all habits it is breakable. You can start a new habit. Maybe it would be fun to be the person all your friends want you to be? Maybe it would be fun to be the person who conquered sadness?

OK well, I just wanted to throw that out there.

You know where to find me:
