Rise up when being pulled down.

Is someone trying to bring you down? I have a nephew trying to bring me down. The hard part of this is that I have been very nice to him. I have tried to help him make his life nice and to live his dream. And now he is trying to hurt me. And to top it off he is  not speaking to me. He has put up a wall of silence, and is hiding from me. And family who could help look the other way. You can’t get others to help if they don’t want to get involved.

What to do?

Well, you can’t let them bring you down. I find it a challenge. I find it a challenge to raise myself up. I am very competitive. When that wall of silence went up, I became determined to get past it. And I did.

I went out of my comfort zone and did things I don’t like to do. I had to make cold calls to find help. I had to ask for help. I succeeded!  I found the help I needed, asked for help and got it. I am rising.

Then what? I felt I could do anything. I confirmed that I have control over my life. No one else is in control of my life. If someone is trying to bring you down, you can let them or you can take control and rise to the occasion.

Letting someone else control you sucks. You start bringing yourself down. You feel like a loser or failure or wimp or pushover or any number of things.

Taking the challenge and rising to the occasion feels great. You are a winner or successful or capable or any number of things. And as was true for me, you feel you can meet other challenges. You are the only barrier to having what you want.

If you think you can’t, you can’t. I know that sounds cheesy, but it is true. You may be meeting a survival need by limiting your self. But is that working for you? When that no longer works for you, you are ready to meet that need on a higher level.

Listen, I went out of my comfort zone. I had to push myself to do what I did to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish. And in the end I showed myself what I can do, and so can you.

Be pulled down or rise up… the choice is yours. You are in control.


