Right voice VS annoying voice


Annoying voice

So, I get inspired by the world around me. Any big brother fans? Anyone? Well, one of the reasons so many people don’t like certain house guests is because of their voices.  One voice was very high pitched and she sounded like a little girl. One voice well, she whines.

I have heard people with high pitched voices say they can not help it. That is just how they talk. But I am here to tell you that is just not true.

Your voice matters

Why does it matter? Well, people find certain voices annoying. If people are annoyed by your voice, they stop listening. If you whine, you sound like a nag. And if you sound like a child, it is hard to think of you as an adult. And so, you have a harder time being taken seriously.

This problem seems to be more of a problem women have. But there are some men who have an annoying voice. What to do?

Right Voice

You need to find your “right voice”. Well, it is simple. Say the word I. Again. Good. Now, the funny thing is we say the word I in our right voice. Yep! I don’t know if this is self-importance or what,  but it is true. It is also your right voice because this also works when you say the word right. So, if you want to be in your right voice all you have to do is warm up by saying I. Now, keep your vocal cords right there. Don’t lower your voice and talk out of the bottom of your throat. Don’t raise your voice and talk out of your nose.

Just like anything else this is a habit you can easily make. Before you know it, you will speak in the right voice.

Talk to me

If you found your right voice, or if you helped someone find their right voice, let me know. I would love to hear from you.


Smile for me!


Lisa Y coaching