Your 100 days


So, as of April 10th, you have had 100 days to transform according to your December 31st resolutions.

How are they going?

Have you stayed with them?

If you have managed to stick to your resolutions, good for you! If not, don’t feel bad. 45% of people fail to stick to their resolutions after only one month. So, if you have stuck to your resolutions, you are on top of it.

If you have not stuck to your resolutions, do you know why?

Yes, you do, but you don’t know that you do. It isn’t because you lack will power. It is because you don’t know what your motivator is. (That’s where I come in.) You are not consciously aware of your inner drive. When you understand why you do and don’t do things, change is a lot easier.

Do you know that not changing is actually serving a purpose? Yep! It is true. If you have not followed through with your resolutions, it is because you are comfortable meeting your needs the way you are. It is easy to continue to do things the way you are used to doing them.  In your mind, change is hard. How you are doing things is a habit. But, like all habits, you made it and can break it and can make a new habit.

Self-knowledge leads to

self-confidence which leads to

effective self-discipline. 

Knowing what motivates you is really exciting. There are only 4 options. And when you understand what motivates you, you transform from the inside out.

Lisa Y. Life Coach