Day 5

This is day 5 of the #30daytransformation

How are you?

Topic for today is push yourself.

If you want to be the best you can be, you have to push yourself. It is all about going past your comfort zone and trying new things. It is about doing things you may not want to do. You do these new things to accomplish goals you to meet challenges.

Have you ever made a decision to do something then after a short time thought, “What was I thinking? This could be climbing a difficult trail which you are now stuck doing because others are expecting you to finish the hike. This could be taking a long walk, and now you are tired and have to continue on because you have no other way to get home. Could be to give up sugar. Maybe it is buying a new business or taking a new job, and you don’t know what you are doing, and what else can you do but continue.

I think about a line from the Hobbit. We must go in the direction of our greatest fear for therein lies our greatest hope. That really inspires me. Now that may be a little dramatic. I am not saying that conquering a great fear because it is  your only hope. What I am saying is that if you do something challenging, push yourself past your comfortable limits, you will find you have more ability than you thought. What a great sense of accomplishment that is.

I remember learning to walk. I remember mom getting me up after my nap and carrying me to the family room. She set me on the ground held me up to stand on my legs. On the other side of the room, maybe ten feet away was pop. He is crouched down and saying, “Come to papa.” I remember thinking I didn’t want to. Walking was hard. But I did it. Now, I don’t know if mom helped or not. But I remember crossing the room on my feet. It seemed a lot farther than the ten feet.

The point is that was out of my comfort zone of sorts. I did not give up. That may not seem like much now, but at the time it was a challenge. And I accomplished it.

I want to leave you with this one thought. Commit to yourself.  You don’t have to do anything for anyone but you. Actually, you never have to anything. But if you make a decision to do something, even if no one else knows, honor your self see the commitment to the end.

This is why maybe you don’t try to change everything in your life at once. Baby steps if you will. Make goals that are manageable. Manageable goals are easier to meet and not something you are so likely to quit. Once you accomplish one goal you can raise the bar so to speak.

