You are not committed to changing your life


What will you lose if you don’t change? How will that feel?

What will you gain if you do change? How will that feel? 

Who will you become if you do change? How will that feel?

You are not ready to commit to change.  

If you were serious about changing your life, you would commit to it. How do I know you are not committed? Because you are seeking the answers by reading  this and not acting.

No one wants a coach. Why? Because they hold you accountable. But, when you are ready to contact a coach, and have someone hold you accountable then you are committed.

When you are ready to pay a coach, then you are ready. Hey, life coaches, we are not that coach you remember in High School or the coach you see on television yelling and screaming. We are listeners who use gentle guidance. But if you want a tough coach, I can do that.

When you are ready to do what a coach asks you to do, and you are willing to do it even if you don’t want to do it, then you are ready.

Until you are willing to commit, and do what you have to do to change,  you won’t be happy. You won’t feel fulfilled.

Something in your life if screwed up. Why else would you be reading this? Well, you really can’t make it worse. Turn it around. What ever is screwed up it will not change on it’s own.

I can be the steward for the life you want most. Unlock your full potential. Get unstuck.

I can help you prosper.

It isn’t as hard as you think:

Step 1: Diagnosis. What is your motivator? What is the most important need you have? There are only 4 options so it is not that hard to figure out. You already know what it is. You just don’t know that you know.

Step 2: Leverage. Using your desire to eliminate the pain from your life to have more pleasure.  What isn’t working for you?

Step 3: Empowering alternative. Find what will meet your need on a higher level.

Step 4: Conditioning. Action. Start a new habit. Leave bad influences behind and get into positive places.

Hypnosis. Getting into a deep meditation to put your subconscious to work by telling your subconscious it is OK to change. If you want, You can do this yourself if you want. I can show you.

What will you lose if you don’t change? How will that feel?

What will you gain if you do change? How will that feel? 

Who will you become if you do change? How will that feel?

EVENT: Monday March 20th 10:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Pacific Time I will be on Facebook. Contact me. We can chat. It’s free!

To participate:
