Why you should fold your hands in prayer

Why do people fold their hands in prayer? I don’t know. It is a very old custom. I don’t know why people do it, but I know why you should.

There is energy in the world. Different people call it different things. There is also different types of energy. I am talking about the God energy. I am talking about the energy that you pray to.

Energy comes into us through our left hand. It goes through us and exits through the right hand. Some people like to pray holding hands. Some believe that the best way to do this is left hand up and right hand down. This is remembered with the saying, “If it were left up to me, we would get right down to it”.  If you focus your attention of energy when you hold hands in a prayer circle you can feel it. Now, if you are alone, you can have that same circle of energy by holding your hands together. Some people hold their hands with the fingers extended and they make a triangle. Some people hold their hands with the fingers interlocked in a more fist like position. It does not matter how they are as long as the hands touch. What is important is that the two hands touch in order to create that circle of energy.

So the next time you pray and you are alone unite your hands for the circle of energy. When you pray alone, fold your hands and you will feel that energy. To me, it just makes it more powerful.


