Day 9

Good foundation.

No matter what you do you always need a good foundation. You can’t build the second floor of a building until you have the first.

The basics.

In order to have a good foundation in any goal, you need a plan. You need a general outline of the process you are going use to meet your goal. Some people are very detailed oriented. They will be very precise on each step to take. Some people are more general in their thinking. This is good if you want a little wiggle room in the “how”. Just be sure  you have enough detail to not skip some step, and to know where you plan went accordingly and where it got off track.

A fit and healthy outcome.

Just because something looks good on the surface of things doesn’t mean it is solid inside. Don’t put up a facade do make your end result seem better than it actually is. There is some value to “fake it until you make it”. But that will only get you so far. It may get your foot in the door so to speak, but if you can’t back things up with a solid core then things can fall apart in no time. To be successful in what ever you are trying to achieve, make the core of it strong. As the saying goes, “If  you don’t have time to do it a second time, do it right the first time.” The best way to do it right the first time is to have the core healthy and the image of the thing will honestly reflect the fitness of the thing.

The perfect conditions.

More often than not people wait for things to be just right to start a thing. They want all their “ducks in a row.” The thinking is that if they get everything just right then they will be more successful when they launch their new project. But this stops so many people. Because more often than not things are rarely perfect. There is usually something that is not 100% right.

But as much as you want a great foundation and solid core, you really can’t wait for it to be “just right”. Because this is a delay tactic. This is usually fear taking over. Are you really ready to venture out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there with this new project for all the world to see?

I have never seen the conditions to be perfect. Some times are better than others. But perfect is a whole other thing. When you have things about as good as you can, go for it. Learn to adapt. Adapting is a major part of making anything happen. Sometimes you have to the best with what you have at hand.

Don’t wait.

If you really want something, the time is now. Today is the day. There may be some dragging on your part.  You are trying to do something different, and maybe it is hard. It may be scary. It may be uncomfortable because it is new.  These feelings is normal by the way.  Even the most successful people had fear of doing things they had never done before.

But one of the things highly successful have in common is wishing they had started earlier. The first steps you take in this project of yours may very well be hard. There may be hurdles. You may have to do things you don’t want to do because you are unfamiliar with them. But, once you do certain things a few times, it gets easier when your confidence builds up.

The sooner you start, the harder you work, the sooner you will reap the rewards.


Confidence is a funny thing. Some people have more confidence than they maybe should based on their skills and abilities. Some people do not have enough confidence based on their skills and abilities.

Confidence is important to have to try something new and out of your comfort zone. If you need to build up your confidence, here is a trick I use. What are you good at doing? What one thing in your life do you consider you really know your stuff? Well, use the confidence you have doing that to lead you in this new project.  Imagine how you feel when you do that thing you are so good at doing. Now, apply those feelings to your new project. It works. Try it.

OK, that is all for today. I hoped this gave you some positive things to consider.

