How are you perceived?

We have a self image. In our hearts and minds we perceive ourselves a certain way. How we look, how we act, how we talk, and how we treat others are some of the things we think about. But does the world see us the same way?

You answer may be I don’t care what people think. This question is not about getting *approval* from the world. This question is does the world see you the way you see yourself?

Perception is reality.

Some examples:

Some people think they are really good at their work. But some of them are fair at their work. They would be really surprised at what their boss really thinks.

Some people are really understanding and nonjudgmental. But other people see them as critical and not accepting of certain behavior. Others would be surprised that these people are understanding and really don’t think much of what others do.

Some people are really intense and stress out a lot. But they are perceived as fun and easy going because that is the image they put forth into the world. It can be really surprising when you see the real personality.

Confused about how others treat you?

If you are a certain way and people seem to act contrary to what you expect, there may be a perception issue. It may be that others are perceiving you in a way that is not true to you.

It isn’t that you are purposely giving the wrong perception. It is more that people are misinterpreting your perception.

What to do?

If you think you are misunderstood, ask family and friends. Give them an example of a time when you were really baffled by someones  action or reaction to you. And then ask why. Ask why do you think they acted that way.

Your family and friends can pin point the way you come off to others. I know it may hurt a little. You may not like what you hear. But it is important to understand how you are perceived by others. Maybe you need to make an adjustment on how you present yourself. You don’t have to change who you are, but maybe how you say or do things just a tad.

The result is that you can be better understood. People will baffle you less by not acting contrary to what you expect.

If family and friends don’t help, you know where to find me.

