Peace on Earth

Especially this time of year there are a lot of requests for prayer for peace. There are posts on how to put Christ in Christmas. There are posts saying what a wonderful world it would be if we spread love, peace and respect.

These posts and sentiments are beautiful. They are uplifting. They bring hope. The main idea of trading love for hate is a wonderful dream. And frankly, I think it is possible. But not the way these posts suggest.

The idea most people have is to pray. Spread the word. Let the world know that what we need is a change of heart. And I agree with this. But I put an important twist on this. 

We need to be at peace with ourselves. If we are not at peace with ourselves, how can we share peace with the world? You can’t give what you do not have.

We, as a world community, are not at peace with ourselves. We lack inner peace. We are filled with fear. We fear what is going on in the world. This is lack of the basic need for certainty. The opposite of this is uncertainty. We are uncertain what the future holds.

Ask yourself: What is not at peace in my own heart? What is my personal pain, violence, and chaos? Heal yourself. Rid yourself of these.

What do you want to change? What is preventing you from doing that?

R E S P E C T: What it means to me. To respect others is to respect our bodies and our selves. Look at what we put in our bodies. Too many people put crap in them. Too many put alcohol and drugs into them. We eat crap. Now, look at how we treat Earth. We put crap in our rivers and lakes and oceans. We throw trash in the streets. We destroy nature. When we learn to respect our selves and our bodies, we will learn to respect others and Earth.

Has the world ever been at peace? Look at the ancient writings. There are people at odds with one another for thousands of years. But that does not mean it is not possible.

Take the vow: I am willing to trust and follow my inner truth. As I do this, I will release the pain and fear within me. And in turn I will release the pain and fears of the world.

Follow through on the vow is no easy task. We are dealing with negative beliefs deep in the consciousness of humanity and are centuries old. But we can get through it. It takes each of us to recognize and experience all these fears then let them go. Then, release them. “Old fears, go and be on your way. You are not needed here anymore.” Then, replace them with the light of God, who ever your God may be. “I demand that the spirit of the light of the world replace the old fears and bring us peace.”

Healing our world. Things seem to be going from bad to worse. This is what we fear. The new “normal” is a distorted way of living. We ignore these things that have diminished our level of living. We have swept things under the rug. But you can only do that for so long. At some point in time, all the painful things of the world come to the surface. They stare us in the eye and say hello here I am. They demand to be resolved. Is it time? Is this finally the time to resolve and remove the pain in us and in the world?

The light of the world. I say yes, it is time. Why? The more light there is in the world the more darkness we see. If turn on a light in your home and it runs all day, how much do you notice it during the day? How much do you notice it in the darkness of night? See what I mean? We are so aware of the darkness because we have so much light. Isn’t that awesome?

Take responsibility for your personal fears. Deal with them. Feel the light of the world in you. And you will make a path for the light of the world to shine on the entire world.

Let us learn from what is not perfect in the world. We are all doing the best that we know how. Heal yourself. Take the vow. Do better.

Coach Lisa