Getting to know each other

Hey boss~

How are you today?

I hope all is well.

Let’s get personal


Passionate. If I were to sum myself up in one word, I would say passionate. I am passionate about all living things. I care about bugs. I care about plants. I care about bodies of water. I care about the desert. I care about the mountains. I care about the forests.  I care about people.

Don’t you think that is nice? Come on. I care about bugs. OK I will admit I am not fond of all bugs. I am not fond of fleas, ticks, or mosquitoes, but only the ones that would bother me and my dogs. Roaches, I almost forgot about roaches. I don’t want them around. If I care about bugs, think how much I care about people.

Fascinated. I am fascinated about most anything. I am fascinated about how things work. I am fascinated about the history of things. I am fascinated about why people do the things they do. I am fascinated about human relations. I am fascinated about word meanings and their history.

Curious. I am curious about what makes people tick. I am curious about why people do the things they do. I am curious as to why my dogs bark at one thing and not another. I am curious as to why some people post on Facebook often and some almost never. (I like to post, but take a break sometimes because I don’t want to bore my boring friends) I am curious as to why others are not more curious or fascinated or passionate.

Getting to know you

You are __________. Well, only you can answer that.

I can say is that I am curious as to why you are here. What would you like to know more about?

Know it all I forgot this one. I am opinionated. I sort of have an opinion about everything. So, if you want an opinion about something, anything, let me know. You can like my business Facebook page and post there which would be great. Or you can go to my personal Facebook and become my friend. Post something you would like an opinion about, and you can count on me to give an opinion.

One rule. NO POLITICS. It is a very bad subject.

You…back to you. I want to know about you.

I can be messaged here: or if you want my personal  Facebook it is:


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching.

That is another thing. If you want to know more about my coaching,  (But I think it is better to get to know me on Facebook)