Never wrong

My two goals of this blog:

1) I want to build up people. I am a very spiritual person, and my first goal is to share my philosophy about life. I want to lift your spiritual side. Do you feel lost? Are you seeking meaning or purpose? Do wonder what it is all about? Well, I think I know. I can discuss the big questions in life. Purpose? Why bad things happen? Why prayers not always answered? Ask me at Whatever the question, I have the answer.

2) Transformation coaching. My method of coaching is strategy coaching. Everything we do or don’t do every problem comes down to 4 survival needs. When you understand your inner drive, you transform from the inside out.

Me: I am someone who has learned to  distill wisdom from life’s experiences. I have insatiable curiosity about people. I have sensibility and a nonjudgmental attitude. I am really open. I believe in truth and have a high level of courage to tell the truth.

You have the answer in you. What I do is to guide you to the answer. And when you have found it, I will confirm it.

My slogan is co-answer, co-achieve. 

I know what it is to feel lost, confused, that life is hopeless. So who am I to tell others about life? Who am I to lift up the spiritual life of other people? I have risen above all of that.

I have seen that life works out, and knowing that you can relax and lose your fear. There are no coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason. There are no mistakes, and you are never wrong.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda are irrelevant. Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be. I know, that is hard to believe when life is troubled. But it is true. You are as you are supposed to be. Your parents are the people they were meant to be.

I know. It sounds like I am just going to tell you that life is filled with peace, love, rainbows and unicorns. No, I am not going to tell you that. I will admit that sometimes life sucks. I will admit that there are reasons to feel sad and hopeless and even full of despair. I have felt that way too. But when you relax and know with confidence that things do get better, you can come out of bad times. I have. You can too.

Thank you for your time.

Lisa Y., life coach