Never need others more than they need you


So, it is a lonely feeling needing others too much. You become afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. You are afraid of having them walk away. And then, either losing everything  or  not getting what you need.

It is hard being under someone’s  thumb. They have complete control over you. You feel weak. You  feel resentment. You may even hate that person or persons.

Then you hate yourself for getting in that position in the first place. Then you dwell on it. It eats away at you. You start chasing your tail trying to figure out what to do. You feel alone. Then what?

You may have told a friend or two. They help the best they can, but then they give up.

You feel stuck.


Do you feel this way? Have you given up your power?

I  hate to admit it, but I gave up my power. It was years ago. You can regain your power. You deserve it.

Now, I am not suggesting that you want to be in a position to have others be indebted to you. I don’t want you to take the power away from others. The answer is to be understood, and to get people to do the right thing. Find a middle ground so there is a win win situation. But, it is not easy. Having people give up power is not an easy task.

You need to find your strengths. Find what you can do to stand up against this bully or bullies. Everyone has a weakness. Find their weakness. What do they want? What motivates them? Use that to your advantage. Help them to meet their needs and take you out from under their thumb. As unbelievable as it may sound, they will actually be happier. Why? because they will be meeting their needs on a higher level. And when you do that, you feel powerful. You feel you can accomplish anything.

OK, I hope that helps. Or at least gives you ideas on how to improve  a less than optimal situation.

Take Care!

Until next time then, this is Lisa Y life coach wishing you the power and control of your life you deserve.