Need to vent?

We all feel frustrated. We all feel the need to vent. It is nice and best if we can direct our frustration to the subject of our frustration. But sometimes that is not always possible.

Maybe we are frustrated at the loss of a loved one. Maybe we are frustrated at life in general. Maybe we are frustrated that a loved one was careless and got hurt in a car crash. Maybe we are frustrated at the waste of food at a restaurant or store. Maybe we are frustrated over a lost opportunity. There are many things that frustrate us.

For some things we can’t vent our frustration, and it builds up in our lives. The stress of it all gets to us. Then, when we least expect it, we blow up and our frustration comes out in an unexpected and inappropriate way.

What to do?

If you have a frustration, and have no way to express it, talk to me. You can yell and scream at the universe, but the universe will not give you feed back. The universe listens, but does not respond. And you really need that feed back. You need that back and forth communication.

What does this do?

This gets this frustration off your chest before it builds up and you blow your top for some unrelated incident. It helps you to sort through whatever it is that is upsetting to you. It also gives you peace of mind.


If you need to vent to someone or something, and have no way of doing it, vent to me. I am a very good listener.

If not, find someone who is willing to listen. But I warn you, most people do not want to listen to someone vent. And sometimes you don’t want others to know what you think or feel, and talking to someone like me is a lot safer.


If it is with me or someone else, vent. Get that frustration off your chest. You will feel a weight lifted.

