Money is like air


I hope all is well.

Unless you live in the wilderness and off the land, money is a necessity. It is hard to pay bills without it. For some, it is easy to come by. For others, it is hard to come by.

Why is that?

Well, if it is hard for you, it could be because of a mental block. It is could be “want”. When we want, we think in terms of not having. We think of the object we want to be in short supply. But it really is not. The government prints lots and lots of it. Smile, it’s funny.

Money is like air

Ever know someone who never has trouble making money? Any time they need money they just make some. Why is that? Well, for those who make money easily, money is like air. It comes in. It goes out. There is always more.

If you can grasp this concept, if you can accept it, you will be able to make money. You will always be able to have more any time you need it.

I know it is hard. If money has always been hard to come by, it is hard to accept this idea. But this is the concept of abundance. This is the opposite of want. Lose the desire to have, lose the idea that what you want is in short supply and you find abundance.

Take Care!

Lisa Y life coach
