Self mastery class lesson two


How are you today?

Your eternal self

Your true self is your eternal self. Your core is your connection to the eternal Being. When you gain full understanding of this, you live in profound peace. You act without concern for the outcome. For the outcome is always positive as you are always working for personal satisfaction. In other words, you help others you help yourself.


Desire is a big cause of pain.  To desire is to feel lack. As my grandma used to say, “Don’t want for much, and you won’t be disappointed.” There is not anything wrong with wanting things. It is the attachment to things that creates pain. When you release the attachment, you release the feeling of lack. When you release the feeling of lack, you receive.  It is the same idea that a watched pot never boils. When you watch a pot waiting for the water to boil, it seems to take forever. But when you stop watching the water it seems to boil quicker.

Practice detachment and you will find abundance. Stop seeking the rewards of your efforts and you will suddenly find the rewards. Spiritual awareness brings abundance.


When your mind is centered on obtaining it is opposed to detachment. Your mind is split on two goals. When you center your mind on detachment, your mind, your self the rewards come. Being of one mind brings peace.

Headaches are caused by duality. When you are torn between two different things, your mind creates a headache in  order to take a break. When your only goal is detachment, your mind is at peace.


Self awareness is self realization. Self awareness comes from different methods:

One is through finding your inner drive. What makes you tick? This can be uncovered through a few simple questions.

Two is through hypnosis which builds on this discovery.

Three is through mindfulness.

mindfulness lesson 10


How is your mindfulness going?

meditation for rest

We all know how important having plenty of rest is for general health. But unless you sleep like a log, you are probably not getting a lot of true rest when you sleep.  With all the twisting and turning you do, your body can be very tense. I have had people tell me that they wake up with their fingers all sore from apparently making a fist all night. They have tired jaws from clenching their jaws all night. Doesn’t sound all that relaxing to me. How many times have you gotten up in the morning not feeling rested?

This is one reason you need meditation. Sitting in meditation, gets you truly relaxed. With meditation, you turn your conscious mind off. You can actually do that by the way. I do that every night when I go to sleep.

How to sit

There is the full lotus position. This is where you sit with the left foot on the right thigh and the right foot on the left thigh.  This can be a very difficult position if you are not very limber. There is also the half lotus where you put one foot on the opposite thigh. If you get uncomfortable, you can always change which foot goes on the opposite thigh. Some people meditate in the Japanese style. This is with the knees bent and resting on their two legs. Personally, I think just sitting in a chair or on a couch even is perfectly fine. You want to be comfortable. Having good posture is important for proper breathing. You will start with your eyes focused between 3-6 feet away. And you want to add your Mona Lisa smile.

Meditation basics

Take a few slow and easy breaths. Relax your entire body. Release all the tension. Release all your worries. Release anything that concerns you. Imagine going with the flow of life. Imagine being a river. The water washes all the negative away. For at least 20 minutes and perhaps as long as 30, just follow your breath. Feel yourself being that river and going in the direction of least resistance. You are just going with the current. Continue to let go of all tension. This is the tension in your body and in your life. Feel yourself being filled with peace. Remember to maintain your Mona Lisa smile.

The pebble

I want to take this meditation deeper. In the last lesson, I talked about the pebble. Remember? I mentioned thinking about relaxation being like the ripple of a pebble. Imagine that pebble. Instead of being the river, you are now a pebble. A pebble that has been tossed into the river. A pebble tossed into a river will sink. Imagine you are this pebble and you now float to the bottom of the river. You are completely free. You have nothing to tie you down. You are free to float to the bottom. You may move some with the current. But otherwise you are completely at rest on the river bed. The river water washes over you. As it does, your rough edges become smooth.

 Life is a river.

So it goes as it goes as the river flows.

Remember that a key element of mindfulness is to be in the present. I know that for some of you to sit and do nothing for 20 minutes sounds like an eternity. So many are so used to multi tasking that doing nothing is foreign. But really, it is only 20 minutes. And we need to stop slipping into the future. If you can’t enjoy the present, life is like a river. And it, life, will flow right by you. You lose your future when it becomes your present. 


The more you practice the easier it becomes. The more you practice the more restful you will become. You will become renewed in spirit. This renewal will bring peace and joy that will fill more and more of your life.

Make it an event. It can be a very special time to spend with those you love. If you are in a relationship, this can be a very uniting experience. Sit down with some soft music. Perhaps have candles going or a fire if the weather is right for a fire. Perhaps you can sit outside. You and another or you and others can enjoy this peaceful time together. If you want, you can hold hands, and get the energy flowing from one to another. If you do, it is important to hold hands properly.

Energy comes in your left hand and out your right. So you want to have your left hand up and your right hand down. Remember it this way: If it were left up to me, we would get right down to it.

On this same note, cat’s energy goes the other way around. So, petting a cat is very calming energy. You might say it is purrfect to pet a cat.

OK. Let me know how you are doing.


Mona Lisa smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching

mindfulness lesson 10

Hello you wonderfully mindful people.

meditation day

It used to be that Sunday was a day of rest. When I went to college, many students did not study on Sundays except maybe during finals week. Why? Because they valued a day of rest. They respected a day to just enjoy family and friends.  I want to suggest that we get back to that. It does not have to be Sundays, but take one day to just enjoy the day. Find a day to live in peace and harmony with the world.

On this day you will put your computer away. You will put your phone away. You will turn off all the noise. For a real challenge make it a day you don’t even speak. Just have a day of mindfulness.

Your day

This is your day. Remember the smile I told you to have? On your mindfulness day, that little smile you make to yourself, makes the day even better. Think about Mona Lisa. Got it? Good.

Before you get up practice your breathing. While doing your daily ablutions, be aware of every step you take. Don’t act the zombie. Don’t just go through the motions. Perhaps you may pretend that you are learning to do things for the very first time. You are learning to brush your hair for the first time. You are getting dressed for the very first time. Imagine that you learned how to do this by observing others.

You are not taking a day of doing nothing unless that is what you want. No, this is about going on with your normal routine, but in a very calm and peaceful and quiet way. You want to be one with every task that you do. At that moment, no matter what it is you are doing, it is the most important thing to do. You are the head duster, vacuum operator,  dish washer in the entire land. Make it fun!

The moment

Remember to live in the moment. Don’t think about the 9 other tasks you have to do that day. Do each one as if it were the only thing you have to do that day. Don’t slip into the future. It comes soon enough.

Be a bud quietly sitting in the hedge.

Be a smile one part of wondrous existence.

Stand here. There is no need to depart.

This homeland is a beautiful as the homeland of our childhood.

Do not harm it, please continue to sing…

(Butterfly Over the Field of Golden Mustard Flowers)

Your Week

As you practice this day of meditation, you will see a difference in your entire week. You will become more and more relaxed. Your peacefulness will spread into the rest of the week. Think of it as a ripple in a pond. The ripple starts on say Sunday. It ripples into Monday. Monday ripples into Tuesday and so forth. More and more your mindfulness will grow.

Tell me how your day went. 

I would love to hear from you.

Lisa Y coaching

Mindfulness lesson 9


How is your mindfulness going?

A bridge over troubled waters

Today I went to the dentist for a routine cleaning and exam. I would not say I have a fear of the dentist, but I get nervous going. What helps? You got it mindfulness. I followed my breath. I also focused on my feet. I wiggled my toes. Why? Your feet are the farthest distance from your head. So, concentrating on them takes your mind off the dental hygienist cleaning your teeth. See how helpful it is?

The point is that our breath can get us through tough things sometimes. When we feel stressed, we can turn to breathing exercises to calm us down. A few deep breaths can bring peace.

Benefits of mindful breathing

Breath is mindfulness. Breath is a tool for good health. When you practice daily mindful breathing, you are energizing your entire body. You build up your lungs. You energize your blood which in turn energizes your blood.

Mindful breathing brings your mind and body together. If you feel scatter brained, practice mindful breathing.

Mindfulness in everything

As I mentioned before, mindfulness is something to do all day long. You should try to meditate for at least 20 minutes per day. In addition, remember, you will be mindful in every day activities as well. No matter what you are doing you will be aware of your body and the world around you.

We should not be mindless. Don’t allow yourself to continue to be a zombie doing actions without thinking. Stop just going through the motions. Make what ever it is that you are doing a rite. Live in the moment. Right now I am writing this post. Later I will watch a television show. But that is in the future. If I try to get this done to get it done, my heart is not in it. The only thing for me to think about right now is to find the best words to express the message I want to make. Right now, writing this post is the most important thing for me to do. By doing this I am truly living now and not in the future. I am in meditation. I am not sitting on the ground in the lotus position humming. I am typing on a computer. I am aware of what I am doing. I am aware of the light in the room. I am aware of the rain. I am aware of the cars driving by, and I am aware of one of my dogs at my side. I am in the here and the now.

The word rite may seem a little dramatic. But I think it makes it fun. When you think I am practicing the rite of brushing my hair, dusting the house, brushing the dog it makes it fun. It tells you that what you do is important. There is significance in every action.

How are you doing?

Let me know.

Your mindfulness coach.

Lisa Y coaching

mindfulness lesson 8


How are you? How has your mindfulness been going? Let me know. I would love to hear from you.

Breath awareness exercise

In case you have not noticed, being aware of your breathe is key to mindfulness and meditation. Here is a good method for watching your breath.

If you recall in lesson 7, I talked a little about the mechanics of proper breathing. Remember? It is abdominal breathing, using the diaphragm. Recall that you imagine breathing through your belly button. If you lie down, you can get a better feel for the process. So, lie down. Comfy?

Place your hands on your belly. Take in a breath. As you breathe in, notice how the stomach rises? Now when you get to be about 2/3 of the way through your breath your stomach will lower. What is happening? When you breathe in properly, the air fills the lower parts of the lungs first. The diaphragm pushes down on the stomach causing it to rise. After the upper lungs have filled with air, the chest pushes out and the stomach lowers. As you breathe, think of the air starting to enter your body at your belly button and then having the nose take over about 2/3 of the way.

The breathing exercise

To do this exercise lie quietly. Don’t use a pillow, and have your arms relaxed at your side. Take a natural breath. As you exhale, count. How many seconds does it take to exhale? Count a few times to get a standard number. Now, try to extend the exhale another 1 or 2 counts. So, if your exhale is say 4, try to exhale for a count of 6. This will help you to empty more air out of your lungs. When you finish exhaling say to the count of 6, pause for 1 count before inhaling. This allows the lungs to fill with air on their own. Can you feel it? Inhalation usually shorter. Count your inhalation and now try to extend that also. Just relax and quietly breathe for a few moments. Aim to do this for say 20 breaths. Relaxing, isn’t it? That’s it!

Easy does it

 Just don’ too breathe too hard. Your breathing should be relaxed and steady. Don’t try to force your stomach out. Just let your body do what comes naturally. It should not be noisy either. Don’t breathe so hard that you hear the air enter your nose. Breathing should be quiet, relaxed and steady.

Unless you have sinus congestion, your breathing should be so quiet that it is not heard by someone next to you.

Advanced level 

So, you have mastered the above exercise. Now, you want to take it to the next level. Do this same exercise in your every day activities. Working on your computer, watching television, walking, at the gym, cleaning your home, any time. If you practice this while walking, you can make a game of it. Six steps to inhale and six steps to exhale.

Control your breath, control your mind and body

Breathing should be a graceful and peaceful thing to do. It is a peaceful thing to do. When you are stressed, stop and follow your breath for 20 counts. You will feel more in control. If you are excited, stop and sit. Your breathing more than likely will be rapid. So, take a few breaths to slow it down. Get the inhale and exhale to be even. Be aware of your body. Feel the motions of your body as you breathe. Think to yourself, I am breathing in. I am breathing out.

Another breath awareness exercise

Breathe in for 1 count. Exhale for 1 count. Inhale for 2 counts. Exhale for 2 counts. Continue through inhaling 10 counts and exhaling 10 counts. Now return down to 1 count in and 1 count out. This exercise takes more awareness. You may lose count. If you do, start again at 1.

Mastering your breath

When you master following the count of your breaths, you have made a big step in mindfulness. Your breath will automatically be very calm and steady. Your inhales and exhales will naturally be even. At this point, you will not need to count any more.

When you master your breathing, you control your consciousness. When things get out of control, catch your breath and you control your environment. With control over your breath you also develop your concentration.


Practice. And let me know how you are doing.


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching

Mindfulness lesson 7


How are you today? Good I hope. So, here is lesson 7.


So, it is not exactly Fall yet, but it is close enough. I really love Summer, but Fall brings back memories of childhood. First of all it is back to school time. Then we have Halloween. When I was a child, we lived across the street from an apricot orchard. We kids loved to play in there. When I take a walk this time of year, with the crispness in the air, I go back to those days. As I practice mindfulness on the walk, I feel young again. After a walk in the Fall air, I feel so refreshed.

In this busy world, we don’t generally have the opportunity to take a walk in an orchard, on the beach, along a river or on a mountain top. Most of us take a walk around the neighborhood or downtown perhaps. With the sound of traffic, it can be challenging to put the outside world out of mind and find it relaxing. It isn’t  just noise either is it? There is the smell of food cooking. There are kids on skateboards and bicycles. There are all sorts of distractions. But with practice, you can learn to put most of the distractions out of your mind by watching your breath. Pay attention to your breathing. I am breathing in. I am breathing out.

If you have a friend or coworker who would join you on the walk, it can help. But you must both keep silent. The idea is to be mindful of your walking buddy instead of the traffic and distractions you encounter. It is always easier to learn a new skill with a buddy. You can talk (after) about your success and challenges as well.

Walking with distractions is good for you

Although we would all love to be able to walk along a quiet beach, in the forest, or even in a park, walking along a noisy street is good practice. Why? Well, in order to get great at mindfulness, we need to learn to do it under all circumstances.

One of the important things to do when training a dog is to do it with distractions. It is one thing to train your dog in the privacy of your quiet yard. But often it is challenging to get your dog to do what you ask when you are out in public. When out in public, your dog has millions of wonderful scents to check out. There are other dogs. There are cats. There are other people. A dog is only well trained if it responds to your commands with all these distractions.

As it is with dogs, it takes true mastery of mindfulness to remain silent, focused and aware with distractions. So, when you are limited to walking in and about town, take pleasure in the opportunity to practice mindfulness among all the distractions.

How is your mindfulness going?

I would like to know how you are doing with this new skill. Leave me a message.


Lisa Y coaching

Mindfulness lesson 6

Hey there~

How are you today? I took yesterday off. Did you miss me? *smile* So, have you been practicing your mindfulness? Good.

Path and Destination

Mindfulness has two faces. It is at the same time the path and the destination. Mindfulness is the path toward the ability to build up awareness and concentration. Mindfulness is also the the destination of a life of awareness. Mindfulness releases forgetfulness and to live fully. The more you practice mindfulness the more mindfulness you have.

Are you breathing?

Your breath is your life. Breath is what keeps you alive. It is so essential and yet it is something of which we are generally unaware. Most people usually only notice it when we have a hard time breathing. When we become winded or congested and it is difficult to breathe, that is when breathing is noticeable.

Have you ever heard a fitness instructor say “don’t forget to breathe”? Some people think that is a silly thing to say. But when you become aware of your breathing, you will notice there are times when we hold our breath. Doing weight lifting is one of those times. Fitness trainers are well aware of this, and so they remind people to breathe. When we get excited, and we have something to tell others, we often talk a lot without taking a breath. Have you ever told someone something, and had them interrupt you with “take a breath”? I have.

When people get nervous or excited, or do some challenging task, (like weight lifting) they sometimes hold their breath. What happens is that your brain becomes scattered. You are not concentrating. Taking a breath actually centers the mind. If you follow your breath, you will actually do better than if you don’t hold it.

Proper breathing

The key to proper breathing is using the diaphragm. When you breathe using the diaphragm, you increase your energy as you improve the oxygenation of the blood. The diaphragm is an energy mobilizer. Improved movement of the diaphragm through applied kinesiology improves the meridians which in turn improves energy flow.

How to breathe properly for the maximum benefits is easy. As we inhale, the diaphragm contracts. This enlarges the thoracic cavity helping the lungs fill with oxygen. As the diaphragm relaxes, we exhale forcing the carbon dioxide out of the lungs.

Ideal breathing is abdominal breathing. The focus is on the belly button and not the chest. When you breathe properly, your belly will rise more than your chest. Test your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Concentrate on letting your abdomen expand fully with the incoming air. You may want to visualize that the air is actually coming in through your belly button and not your nose. Your belly should rise and fall about an inch with each breath.

With proper breathing, you will become more relaxed, reduce blood pressure and your heart rate, and deliver more oxygen to your body tissues.

How to mind your breath

Take in a fairly long breath. Feel your lungs expand. Now exhale being sure to get all the air out. Now wait a few seconds before you take your next breath. You will notice air coming in without taking a breath. Did you notice? Now do this for a few breaths. Be aware.

I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I feel my lungs and rib cage expanding. Imagine the air circulating throughout your entire body. Can you feel it? When you breath properly, your entire upper body should move.

That’s all for today.

Take time to mind your breath a few times a day. It is a good habit.

Tell me how you are doing.


Lisa Y coaching

Mindfulness lesson 5

Good day!

I hope all is well for you.  Today’s lesson is sitting quietly.


When one thinks of meditation, often Buddha comes to mind. We have all seen the Buddha statue of Buddha in his mediation lotus position.

In meditation, as with anything, posture is key. Sit upright. The goal is to create thought. It is said that praying is talking to God, and meditation is listening to God.  But we can get in the state of mind. If you sit and meditate, you will get enlightenment and join the Buddhahood those who gain enlightenment.

Bodhi spot

So, the Bodhi spot is where Buddha obtained enlightenment. We can’t all go to this spot. It is far away for one thing. We live busy lives. But we can find a nice quiet place to sit  and tune out the world for a while. find peace of mind, find a bit of happiness, and listen to God whatever that means to you.

Mindfulness in every day situations

To me, it would be ideal to live a very simple life. I think society in general has made this world a lot more complicated than it needs to be. But, that is the world in which we live.  We have so much to do. We have work, home projects, yard work, house work, the kids have to go here and there. It is enough to make your head spin. Just when you think you have it all under control something happens. Am I right? You may be wondering with all this going on how can I take time to meditate. My question is how can you not? Now I admit, I love meditation. I like it more than most. If I could make money meditating, I would be rich.

Meditation, mindfulness actually helps you to get through all those other every day things. Remember, meditation is all about being alert. When you live in mindfulness, you are aware and focused. You are more capable of handling anything that comes your way better than with out it.

With meditation, you have better judgement. You are more calm. You are more self-controlled. Put that all together and you have good results in all actions that you take. You take things one at a time. You are not trying to resolve several issues at once. When you do that, you handle it right the first time. You don’t have to waste time doing anything again to get it done right. You will be in control of your world instead of the world being in control of you.

Be whole

We are pulled in so many directions. Does it ever feel to you that you are falling apart? Well. with meditation, you become whole again. When your mind is focused, your entire being is focused. When one meditates, your mind brings everything back to center. You feel whole again.

Baby Steps

Do you remember learning how to walk? I do. I can remember my mom placing me on  my feet and my dad, crouched down saying, “come to papa”. I also remember thinking how hard this walking thing was. I was probably only trying to walk 8-10 feet. But it seemed a lot farther. But I also remember the sense of accomplishment I had when I made it to papa.

This is how it is with meditation. If you try to meditate like Buddha, you are going to be very frustrated. Buddha was a master. If you try to be enlightened right away, you will get discouraged. So, take baby steps. Just start by sitting quietly. You don’t have to sit in the lotus position either if that is too hard. But do sit up straight and have good posture. Now, just close your eyes and relax. Don’t think about anything. You may want to set a timer. That way you can keep meditating without wondering about how long you have been sitting there. I suggest you start with 10 minutes. That may not sound like much, but it takes time to work up to 20 or 30 minutes.

Just sit there. Don’t think about anything. If a thought comes into your head, acknowledge it and let it go. Now, what do you notice? Unless you are in a sound proof room, you will hear something. You may hear cars. You may hear birds. You may hear an airplane. Maybe you can hear children playing. What do you feel? Can you feel a breeze? Can you feel the sun? What is your body doing? Sense your breath. Sense your rib cage expanding, your lungs. We take breathing for granted we rarely think about the mechanics of it. How about your muscles? Are they relaxed or tense? If you feel tension, let it go. Did your shoulders just fall a little? How about your jaw? Now, are there any smells? Are you baking something? How about the neighbors? Do they have something cooking, a BBQ perhaps? And just about now, your 10 minutes are probably up. That was not so bad now was it?

You did it!

You just meditated.

I really want to help people to become mindful. Let me know how you are doing. I could really use the feedback. Thanks!

Remember, these are just the first steps. We will get deeper and deeper as time goes on.

Take Care!

Lisa Y coaching.

mindfulness lesson 4

Welcome back!

Keeping your consciousness alive

When you are new to mindfulness, it is challenging to keep from getting distracted. In this world, most people can only keep their mind on one thing for only a few moments. Until it truly becomes a habit, you will slip up often. It does take a lot of effort to keep in the moment.

You need to keep reminding yourself of that which you want to be aware. Until it becomes a habit, you can’t just once think I am doing this activity and stay aware. This thought needs to be repeated regularly. But you don’t want to repeat it like a machine. You are not a robot. Instead, you want to think of each action of the activity you are doing.

Let us imagine that you are eating. Your thoughts would be something like this. I have the fork in my hand. I have the knife in my hand. I am cutting the meat. I am putting the knife down. I am taking a bite. Now, remember, smile while you are thinking these things as if you a playing a game. Pretend you have a secret and no one knows what you are thinking, and they would want to know. This will keep it fun. Fill the activity with wonder and joy. Open your heart.

Life is a blessing

Think about how special it is just to be alive. It is a blessing. Look around you. Everything is a blessing. If you can eat and feed yourself, that is a blessing. If you can walk, talk, or dress yourself, that is a blessing. So no matter what it is you are doing, while practicing mindfulness, just thinking about how blessed you are should put a smile on your face.

I would love to hear about your experiences.


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching

mindfulness lesson two


How are you? Doing well I hope.

So, this is lesson two in the mindfulness class.

Washing the van Vs Cleaning the van

In the last lesson, I talked about washing the van and keeping in the moment. The idea being to have more time by concentrating on the task at hand and not a future activity.  Today I want to talk about the difference between washing and cleaning.

There are two ways to  wash the van. You wash it to get it clean, or you are washing it to wash it. What? Confused? Don’t worry. Let me explain. In mindfulness, you wash the van to wash the van.

Enjoy life

In the last lesson, I mentioned that we may want to reward ourselves with a beer after washing the van. But we don’t want to rush through washing the van. We don’t want to rush through one activity to get to the next. If you are rushing to get something done, you are not really doing that activity. You are actually on to the next activity. In mindfulness, the idea is to truly enjoy what it is you are doing in that moment. When you can do that, nothing is a chore anymore. And you are more alive when you are living in the moment as you are not skipping over the time you are in, the present.

If you continue to fast forward through out the day, you will never enjoy anything. Even though you are looking forward to the treat of the beer afterward, you will probably not really enjoy it as you will already in your mind be on to the next thing on your list. Learning to enjoy the activity at hand is to enjoy the miracle of life, and to not be pulled into the future.

And a bag of chips

So, you have a bag of chips. When you eat that bag of chips, are you fully enjoying the chips? Are you eating one at a time? Or, do you have your hand on the next chip as you eat the one in your mouth? I tend to want to eat very quickly. I don’t know why, but one of my biggest challenges is to eat slowly. If I were not practicing mindfulness, I would probably eat my entire meal before other people get even half done. I have to slow down just to not be sitting there done eating while others are still eating. This is another example of mindfulness.

When eating, take your time. Take a chip or a bite and enjoy it. If you are eating food with utensils, put down the fork. Don’t play with your food to get the next bite on the fork. And with that bag of chips, don’t pick out the next one. Why? Because if you do you are not living in the moment and you are not truly enjoying the food in your mouth. You are thinking about that next future bite or chip. If you are not eating one bite or one chip at a time, you really are not eating at all.


Now, practice living in the moment. Wash to wash. Eat to Eat. Drive to drive. Enjoy what you are doing. Keeping a half smile is helpful. Pretend you have a secret. You sort of do, you have the secret of practicing mindfulness.

Let me know how you are doing.


Lisa Y coaching