Men’s guide to women (for men only)


This is for men only.

My general guide to understanding women


That’s about it. Any questions?

One at a time.

You know more than you think

All joking aside, you really understand women better than you think. No you really do. You just have not sorted it out. You know the women in your life. You know what they do and do not like. You know what upsets them. You know what makes them laugh. You know what makes them cry. You know what makes them happy.

In case you have not noticed, not all women are the same. But having a good relationship with the various women in your life, wife, sister, mother, and coworkers for example, is simply about knowing them as a person. It means paying attention. Women are notorious for giving a lot of hints. I know, you men would prefer to have us come right out and tell you what we are thinking. But, what would be the fun in that? We do that so that you “figure it out on your own”.  Ha! Ha! Ha! Sorry, that is not very nice of me.

Need more help?

So, men, if you need a little help understanding the women in your life, let me know. I will see what I can do. We can figure it out together. OK.

If you want help, leave a message.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching