Learn, love, laugh

Every day should have 3 significant moments:

What did you learn today? If you are aware of your day, you learned something. Maybe it was a better way of doing something. Maybe it was another way of looking at something. Maybe it was new math. It could be any number of things. So, what did you learn today?

Who did I love? Whose company made your day? Maybe it was a co worker. Maybe it was a neighbor. Maybe it was a pet. So, who did you love today, or for whom did you feel love today?

What made me laugh? It could be a simple chuckle or an all out laugh until you cried moment. What was it? Was it a funny encounter? Was a cute child? Was it a cute pet? Was it a line on a television show? Was it tripping over the rug in your kitchen? So, what made you laugh today?

Every day has at least one of each of these moments. These are the things to remember. When you think about your life, these are the moments you want to remember. Learning, love, and laughter make a day worth having and remembering.

One last question are you living the life of your dreams? If you don’t have enough of these three things, probably not. What’s missing? What can you do about that?

Tell me what you learned, how you felt love, and what made you laugh. You know where to find me: www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach
