Day 3


This is day 3 of the #30daytransformation

Never let your guard down. 

Sometimes things are going along just as you like. Everything is right on track. You are feeling very comfortable with how things are going. You are not holding your breath waiting to see if your efforts will pan out. But then, you are blind sided.

If you play casino games you know what I mean. You can sit down at a game and it just wins and wins and wins. In just a few minutes, you turned $20 into a $100. Now,  it loses a bit. That’s OK because it will hit again soon. It goes up and down a bit, but goes down more than up. Then you think come on machine you can hit something good any time now. Now, you are below that $20 you put into the machine and you wonder what happened? Then you think, I should have stopped when I was ahead. Or maybe I should have stopped 5 minutes ago.

It is baffling, isn’t it? When everything seems to be going your way then suddenly things just shift. I had a small business. It was doing fine. Then it just exploded. It boomed. I was so happy. I relaxed. I thought nothing could happen to ruin this. It was too good to be true. And it lasted for a number of months. Then, business dropped. The loss of customers was slow. At first, I thought that was just normal. I could not expect that booming business to last. But I did not pay so much attention. But I let my guard down, and suddenly business was low. It was lower than it was before the boom.

I was so comfortable with how well the business was doing; I failed to watch it as closely as I should have. I was not in control. The business was on cruise control. And it suffered. It did not die, but it lost a lot of life.

So, no matter what you do don’t let your guard down. Don’t get comfortable with good times because you never know when the tide will change. When it does, and it more than likely will, you want to be ready in order to prevent too much loss of a good thing.

This does not mean don’t enjoy the good times. And it does not mean you should have a negative attitude. It means be in control of your life and everything in it or else they may control you.
