mindfulness lesson 4

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Keeping your consciousness alive

When you are new to mindfulness, it is challenging to keep from getting distracted. In this world, most people can only keep their mind on one thing for only a few moments. Until it truly becomes a habit, you will slip up often. It does take a lot of effort to keep in the moment.

You need to keep reminding yourself of that which you want to be aware. Until it becomes a habit, you can’t just once think I am doing this activity and stay aware. This thought needs to be repeated regularly. But you don’t want to repeat it like a machine. You are not a robot. Instead, you want to think of each action of the activity you are doing.

Let us imagine that you are eating. Your thoughts would be something like this. I have the fork in my hand. I have the knife in my hand. I am cutting the meat. I am putting the knife down. I am taking a bite. Now, remember, smile while you are thinking these things as if you a playing a game. Pretend you have a secret and no one knows what you are thinking, and they would want to know. This will keep it fun. Fill the activity with wonder and joy. Open your heart.

Life is a blessing

Think about how special it is just to be alive. It is a blessing. Look around you. Everything is a blessing. If you can eat and feed yourself, that is a blessing. If you can walk, talk, or dress yourself, that is a blessing. So no matter what it is you are doing, while practicing mindfulness, just thinking about how blessed you are should put a smile on your face.

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Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching