Is it Karma or is it life?

The concept of karma has really grown over the last 10 years or so. But there is a lot of misconception about it.

The idea most people have is do good get good and do bad get bad. In other words, when we are nice and kind good things happen to us.  And when we are mean bad things happen to us. But that isn’t karma. Think about it. That does not answer the age old question of why bad things happen to good people and why good things happen to bad people. 


The answer to that is quite simple actually. Because the good and bad things in life are not related to karma.

That’s life. We are here to learn and to grow.

Sometimes things go well in life. Most of us think we deserve these good things in life. So we accept them as *rewards* for being good people. Some people accept these *rewards* because they feel entitled to them no matter what. Whatever our reason for accepting these good things in life we accept them without question. Have you ever asked, “What did I do to deserve this good thing”?

Sometimes things go poorly in life. Most of us think we don’t deserve these bad things in life. We think of them as *punishment*. How many times have you asked, “What did I do to deserve this bad thing”? I have a hard time imagining anyone who has not done this many times in a lifetime. I have. We don’t usually think we have done anything to deserve this bad thing. We are good people.

This is life. It has up times and down times. And it is all part of the process of learning and growing. Sometimes the lessons are easy and sometimes they are hard.  It has nothing to do with karma. I repeat this is not karma. It is life and the lessons we need to learn. We all have pretty much the same lessons to learn. We don’t learn the same way. So, some of us learn the lesson one way and some another way and some an entirely different way. There are probably as many ways to learn a lesson as there are people.

And this is why bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. And it can be very frustrating. I know someone who is definitely on the naughty list, but good things happen to this person, and it drives me nuts. I don’t like that good things happen to someone who has hurt others terribly. But this person also needs these good things to get their life back on track. And I know that this person has a long life ahead (I would estimate the next 20 years) working to fix the damage he caused. And that is not something I would want. (Remember to see the whole picture).

Now if you want clarity on karma here it is.

The 12 laws of karma:

One.  The Great Law: What you put into the Universe will come back to us.

Two. Law of Creation: Life doesn’t  happen by itself. We have to make it happen.

Three. Law of Humility: One must accept something in order to change it.

Four. Law of Growth: When we change ourselves our lives change too.

Five. Law of Responsibility: We must take responsibility for what is in our lives.

Six. Law of Connection: The past, present, and future are all connected.

Seven. Law of Focus: We cannot think of two different tings at the same time.

Eight. Law of Giving/Hospitality: Behavior should match our thoughts & actions.

Nine. Law of Here & Now: One cannot be present if they are looking backward.

Ten. Law of Change: History repeats until we learn from it & change our path.

Eleven. Law of Patience & Reward: The most valuable rewards require persistence.

Twelve. Law of Significance & Inspiration: Rewards are a direct result of the energy and effort we put into the world.

