I’m an empath

I want to share a BIG part of who I am. I am an empath.

In case you are not familiar with what an empath is let me explain. In very general terms, an empath is very sensitive to the world. Our sensitivity ranges from somewhat sensitive to extremely sensitive. Me, I am in the middle, but my empath side of me is growing.

Why am I telling you this? As an empath, I have a knack for sensing more about what is going on with you than an average person. I am not a mind reader so I don’t know your secrets unless you tell me. But I can sense what it hidden. I can read more into what you are or are not saying.

What does this mean to you? Sometimes, people have a hard time expressing what is on their minds and in their heart. As an empath, I can facilitate that better than a non-empath. I can ask better questions that lead to the core of the issue and the strategy to turn things around.

Quicker results. The quicker you get to the core of the issue and create a strategy the quicker you transform your world.

But, I can’t do it myself. You do have to participate. You have to be frank with yourself. You have the answer. You just don’t know you have the answer.

Lisa Y. Life Coach
