Self mastery class lesson two


How are you today?

Your eternal self

Your true self is your eternal self. Your core is your connection to the eternal Being. When you gain full understanding of this, you live in profound peace. You act without concern for the outcome. For the outcome is always positive as you are always working for personal satisfaction. In other words, you help others you help yourself.


Desire is a big cause of pain.  To desire is to feel lack. As my grandma used to say, “Don’t want for much, and you won’t be disappointed.” There is not anything wrong with wanting things. It is the attachment to things that creates pain. When you release the attachment, you release the feeling of lack. When you release the feeling of lack, you receive.  It is the same idea that a watched pot never boils. When you watch a pot waiting for the water to boil, it seems to take forever. But when you stop watching the water it seems to boil quicker.

Practice detachment and you will find abundance. Stop seeking the rewards of your efforts and you will suddenly find the rewards. Spiritual awareness brings abundance.


When your mind is centered on obtaining it is opposed to detachment. Your mind is split on two goals. When you center your mind on detachment, your mind, your self the rewards come. Being of one mind brings peace.

Headaches are caused by duality. When you are torn between two different things, your mind creates a headache in  order to take a break. When your only goal is detachment, your mind is at peace.


Self awareness is self realization. Self awareness comes from different methods:

One is through finding your inner drive. What makes you tick? This can be uncovered through a few simple questions.

Two is through hypnosis which builds on this discovery.

Three is through mindfulness.

Give yourself permission

Hey Boss!

How are you?

Transforming your life in three steps.

Most of us want to change something in our lives. We seem to never be quite happy. It could be a new career. It could be a relationship. It could be your body, hair or face. It could be all sorts of things.

I think there are three steps toward change.

Diagnosis, what do you really want to change? There is a difference between what you want to change and what the benefit of that change is.

Plan, how are you going to make that change? How are you going to meet your goals on a higher level?

Hypnosis, work on the sub conscious level.


I started my study and use of hypnosis at least 10 years ago. I stopped using it, but I recently started up again, and I love it.

I am not talking about the sort of hypnosis where someone makes you quack like a duck or sing in front of a crowd of people. Who would do that?

What I am talking about is using the power of the subconscious mind. Some of the reasons we are the way we are goes back to some event that may have happened years ago. This event may be unknown to our conscious mind. If this is true for you, you need to release it. You also may need to give yourself permission to change.

Permission to change

Our minds are amazing. They do all sorts of things to protect us. We may not remember certain events because our mind says that memory just hurts our heart. Forget about it. Sometimes we get thoughts and ideas that help us.

If your mind has shielded you somehow and this is blocking your transformation, you need to give your self permission to change. Why? Well, your mind has worked really hard to do what it thought was best for you. To give you what  it thought you wanted.  It may take a little convincing that change is OK.

When you make the diagnosis of  what you want to change, and have a plan on how to make that change. a tool that may want to consider is hypnosis to give you permission to change.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching