Human touch

Touch, is one of the most vital things in life. It is not only vital for people but also for animals. We all need it. Wild animals touch one another to comfort or to show love. Domesticated animals do it to one another and also need it from their humans. And people need it.

I know a single woman who lives alone. She has few friends. She has two dogs. And the hugs she gives her dogs are vital to her mental well being. If she did not have the dogs, I don’t know what  she would do to get this most vital thing.

After my mom had a stroke, one of the most important things she needed was my touch. She craved the touch of my hands on her face. I loved it as well. The pleasure I knew that it gave her was mine every time I placed my hands on her face.

How often do you think I wish I had someone to touch me right now? It is soothing. It brings peace. The dog next door to me gets very little attention. When I reach across the front yard fence to touch him, you should see the joy in his face. I like to share a little kiss as well. He looks at me as if I am the greatest person on Earth. It actually reminds me of the feeling I got touching my mom’s face.

If you know some person or pet that does not have a lot of opportunity, if any at all,  for touch please take some time to give that most valuable sensation. You can change a life.

Thank you.
