Accept and respect your friends and family

Hey Boss!

Friends and Family

So, these are the people with whom we are familiar. These are the people in our life. Sometimes we stop seeing our friends and family, don’t we? We are so used to their being around we don’t pay much attention to them. We start taking them for granted. We stop seeing the special things about them. When friends and family do things, we may notice, but we minimize the action. Oh, that’s just so and so.

The differences

In all relationships, we are alike in some ways and different in others. We all do weird things sometimes. We all have those embarrassing habits. We all do things that make us look silly or foolish. Maybe we act a certain way after a few alcoholic beverages. Or maybe we get carried away while watching a sport. Maybe we have a crazy idea or thing we want to accomplish. These unusual things that make us stick out are the differences we have from our friends or family.


Sometimes those differences make your friends and family embarrassed. Have you ever had a friend tell you to stop doing something because it is embarrassing? I haven’t, but I think my friends just don’t do it. My friends just pretend what I just did or said just did not happen. But I am here to suggest you not be embarrassed by your friends or family weirdness. Look, that is what makes them who they are. Who would they be if you took that away?

Accept and respect

We need to accept others as they are. We are all human beings with feelings. We have our own thoughts. We have our own ideas. We are intelligent. We all have a passion.

I think there is a lack of respect in this world. What needs to be respected.

  • Other people’s beliefs. You don’t have to agree, but you can be supportive. If someone sticks by their beliefs and they do not back down that is something to be respected.
  • Pursue. If someone pursues their passion, that deserves respect. It is not always easy to pursue without support of others. So, show your support. Boldness needs to be respected. When someone is bold enough to put their self out there that deserves respect. They are trying.
  • Authenticity. It is not easy to be real. It is not easy to let your true self show. If you know someone who does show them respect because it is hard to standout.
  • Integrity. When someone shows integrity, show respect.
  • Dependability. Can you count on this person to do what they say? Can you count on them to be by your side? Are they responsible? Respect that.
  • Honor. Do they do as they say? Can they be trusted to do what they say they will do? Are they the sort of person whose hand shake is all you need to trust them? Respect that.
  • Hard work and effort. Life can be hard. It takes a lot of work sometimes. If someone is doing their best and working hard, respect that.


If you have a skill or ability that your friend or family member lacks, give them a hand. Why make your friend struggle when you can easily help them? If your friend or family member is trying to do something like promote a cause or a business on the internet say through Facebook, you don’t have to buy their goods or services or contribute to the cause, but can’t you share the message? Really, it won’t hurt you. And you will get respect for being a good friend.

We are all in this world together. Helping others you really help yourself. Don’t be embarrassed to help a friend or your family. They need your love and support, and you will feel good doing it. Show your kindness.

I still believe in the Golden Rule to treat others as you would like to be treated.

Smile for me!


Lisa Y coaching