Happy Samhain/ Halloween!

I like to share beliefs of other cultures so today I want to talk about Samhain. In case you have never heard of it.

Samhain “summer’s end” is a Gaelic festival. It is a combination festival day of the dead and the end of harvest season. It is also the start of the “darker” half of the year and the start of the spiritual new year.

It makes sense, doesn’t it? The days are getting shorter so there is less day light. It is also the time of year when we look toward Thanksgiving which is about the end of harvest. It is a time when nature relaxes and some animals hibernate. We get rested up. We also become more spiritual in December. We become more focused on bringing up mankind, spreading love, joy and peace, our spiritual season if you will. Then we have New Years when we let go of the past and put hope into the next year. We start January with positive thoughts.

So, may you have a Happy Halloween or Samhain!


