Mindfulness lesson three


Habit of Mindfulness

So, as I mentioned in a previous post, everything is a habit. Bad habits are easily breakable (when you understand the why behind them), and good habits are easily made for the same reason. (I can help with that by the way) The same is true with mindfulness. Once you consciously start mindfulness, you soon will automatically do it. It will become a good habit.

Mindful in everything

You may want to put sticky notes up for a few days as reminders. But here is what to do for starting mindfulness.

When you wake up, be aware that you are awake with “I just woke up.” When you stumble to the kitchen for that coffee, be aware of going to the kitchen with “I am going to the kitchen for coffee.” (This may be a challenge you did just wake up, but try) Other daily ablutions Going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, washing your hands, taking a shower, eating while doing these things be aware.

Sitting, standing, walking, lying down these are all things of which to become aware. Become aware of your breathing, your chewing, what you see etc. Are you standing or sitting with proper posture? Stop being a zombie just going through the motions of life. Notice the world around you. Mindfulness is not about being in a meditative state. It isn’t about taking 10 or 20 or 30 minutes a day to sit and be quiet. Mindfulness is about being aware. It is about the position of the body, your thoughts, your feelings, and the world around you, and it is about every moment you are awake.

“I’m aware”

I know it seems like a lot of thinking. It really isn’t. You just are not used to being aware of the world around you. Give it a try. Think about that game “I spy” that you play with the kids. Now turn that into the “I’m aware” game you play alone or with someone else. Try to see how many things of which you can become aware. Smile while you play the game. I think you will find it fun to see how unaware you normally are and how aware you are becoming. Make goals. Today I was aware of 50 things today, tomorrow I will be aware of 51. Before you ask, I don’t know if there is an app for that. Use your brain power and just keep a mental note.

I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you have noticed. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach


Lisa Y coaching