Family gratitude journal

You may use anything as a journal a legal pad will do. Get a blue ink pen that has a clip on it to clip it on the journal, this way there are no excuses to skip it!
Lay the journal out where everyone can see it (remember…no excuses), we lay ours on the kitchen counter.

If your family is going through some “challenges”, put the journal on the counter without saying a word to anyone.

Write across the top: I AM grateful for…..
and start your list.

Let me help you with some ideas:

I am so grateful Marie jumped in and did the dishes for us without me asking.
I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am rested and ready for a new day.
I am grateful my husband takes care of the maintenance on our cars…..mowed the grass….stopped by the grocery for me. Takes the pressure off of my day by starting a load of laundry or starting dinner.
I am grateful the kids took out the trash today….raked the leaves…cleaned their rooms…brushed their teeth….did their homework without being told.

You get the idea.

The family will see the journal without you pointing it out to them…leave it open so they can start reading it. Every morning and evening add to it, you will not run out of things to be grateful for once you start. I stop sometimes as soon as I enter the house with my keys and purse still in my hand to write something down. Think about the impact it will begin to make on your children to see mom and dad leaving cute little notes to each other….I love you’s and thank you’s. How different would your life be if this behavior was modeled for you growing up?

Now lets dig a little deeper into the gratitude journal, and how it works to manifest. If we are not being grateful for what we have in the “now”…today…why would the universe think that you would be grateful for more? To go one step further, our subconscious only understand the vibration of the
“emotion” of gratitude….the subconscious does not know if the emotion is real or not.

Let that sink in a minute.

If we can hold the emotion of gratitude it enables us to manifest our desires into the “now”.
I are regularly grateful for things that we do not have in the “now”. One morning a friend wrote: I am grateful that the universe provides all of our needs with grace and ease. I am grateful the groceries are provided for us effortlessly. And then wrote…thank you thank you thank you. It was 7:45 a.m. At 4:30 p.m. she was given a Kroger gift card for $250.00 and a hug!
She showed the person that gave her  the gift card what I had wrote down earlier that morning. They were speechless.
We have written how thankful we are for full tanks of gas, our nails getting done, lunches and dinners and paid bills…..ALL before we were blessed by it!

Remember…..the subconscious does not know the difference if you have received yet or not, only the emotion of receiving it.

What are you going to be thankful for receiving now?

Make sure to go over to and post your praise, so we can be grateful with you!

I am grateful for your reading this.

Lisa Y life coach