Grateful? What’s important?

Every now and again we sit back and look at our lives and take inventory of all of our blessings. Your blessings hopefully include:

The people in  your life that give love and support. The job you have that provides the money to pay the bills. The good health you enjoy.  The home that provides shelter, safety and security.

What about the other things? What about the things you don’t have? These could include:

People wanting to do you harm. Being in an abusive relationship with others. Having a very sick relative. People being generally mean to you.

It is easy to see the good we have. It isn’t always easy to see the bad we don’t have. The bad we don’t have is also something for which to be grateful.

Take a moment and answer these two questions:

What are you most grateful for in life? What good do you have and what bad do you not have?

And what is important to you?

When we answer these questions, we build a better life.



Let me know what your answers were.
