Happy now and later

We all have goals: 

Goals for love. Goals for family. Goals for career. Goals for health. Goals for things we want to see and do. Goals for all sorts of things.

My ordeal.

I recently met a very important goal. It was actually a short lived goal. It was made and accomplished in 9 weeks.  But those 9 weeks were a nightmare. Meeting this goal is life changing. Meeting this goal makes all the difference in my future. I was consumed over it. I thought about it every minute of every day. How will I accomplish this? How? I tried alone. That only got me so far. I hired someone whose job it is to accomplish this goal. After $550, I still did not have the answer. So, I contacted someone who I thought I could help. I thought this person could lead me in the right direction. Well, she gave a few tips, but nothing concrete. I took her tips and made some calls. I did stumble on someone willing to help, but I did not want to ask this person. This person was a perfect stranger going out of his way to help. It seemed too good to be true. So, I contacted another professional whose job it is to accomplish this goal.  This person made an attempt. And was not successful. Luckily this attempt was free. At this point I felt pretty hopeless. Then out of desperation I thought about this stranger who said he was good at accomplishing this goal. I had my doubts, but what did I have to lose? So, I contacted this kind stranger. “You said you would help.” Well, on Monday, this kind stranger, now my friend, in 30 minutes accomplished the goal. In 30 minutes I met my goal. After all the hours I put into this goal, one person, the right person got me there. There is still work to be done, but the biggest hurdle has been cleared. And I know my friend will get me through the rest.

Why and I telling you this? 

Reason one. To show you that goals can be met. We don’t always meet them how we plan on meeting them. I thought I could do it myself. Then I thought the first “professional” could do it. Then I thought I could do it myself. Then I thought the second “professional” could do it. I felt hopeless. Then it took overcoming the fear I have and do some cold calling. I hate cold calling anyone, but the need was so great that nothing would stop me. And that is how I found my new friend who got me to my goal.

Reason two. To show you that often it takes effort and persistence to meet a goal. But when you really want something, everything comes together to make it happen. I contacted someone I did not want to contact who gave me tips. From there I overcame a fear and made cold calls. When I asked my “last hope” person for help, it happened. I could have given up after the first “professional” failed to get me to my goal (I think for more money he would have accomplished the mission).  But I did not give up.

Reason three. There are certain things we just can’t do alone. We don’t always understand how to accomplish a goal. If I knew what my new friend knows, I could have accomplished step one in 30 minutes. It is important to find the right person to help. In my case, there were two right people. There was the person who gave the tips (she only gave tips because that is all she knew). And then there was the person I found through my cold calling.

Reason four. To show the value of delayed gratification. This particular goal took 9 weeks. But, this ordeal started about 3 years ago. Until recently, there was nothing, absolutely nothing I could do to make my situation better. I had to wait. There were circumstances out of my control. That is how it goes sometimes. Sometimes you have to just sit back and let other things work out. It is sort of like sitting in a traffic jam. You want to get somewhere so badly, but you can’t get anywhere. Eventually, the traffic clears and you get moving. You reach your destination.

How do you feel in that traffic jam?

When you are stuck, and things are out of your control, it is frustrating. But there is nothing you can do so you have to make the best of where you are. Another way of putting this is that the ball is not always in your court. And sometimes there is delay because we need time to heal.

That was what I needed. I needed time to heal. Those 3 long years of waiting for things to clear up so that I could move forward and turn this ordeal around were frankly very difficult. But I had to go through that. I had to let go. I had to let the universe do it’s thing. You see, the other side of this ordeal, the other people involved, they had to go through what they had to go through before the traffic jam we were all involved in could clear up. We are all connected. Some things take time. So, for 3 years, I waited. I did the best to get on with life until the traffic cleared. And when it did it took 9 weeks to get on the off ramp that leads to my final destination in this ordeal.

When the dark cloud lifted. 

When I met that goal that took 9 very long and tiring weeks, I felt powerful. I felt as if a very dark cloud was lifted. I felt as if I could do anything…. anything. This is the third time in the last 4 years that I saw the miracle of things coming together. When things are ready to come together, amazing things happen.

When we have goals, we want it to happen now. And sometimes it does. And sometimes it doesn’t.

If you were to meet all your life’s goals, how would you feel?

For those goals that are stuck in traffic, just sit back and relax. I know it is hard. I had to wait 3 long years for my traffic jam to clear. But what kept me going was knowing that things work out. But you can meet your goals. Re read reasons above. Let my experience and testimony of a positive outcome give you hope. We don’t always meet goals how we plan on meeting them, but we do.

We can be happy now striving for our goals when we let ourselves feel that which we want to feel when our outcome is achieved. We will happy later when that goal is met.


