Day 7

Starting new things is exciting.

Have you had a job for awhile and it has become routine? It seems dull and boring. Maybe you drag yourself to work. Maybe you stop working the last five minutes as you count down the seconds until you can leave. Then, there is a new person. They come in to work all excited. First, they are glad to have a job. Second, it is all new and fresh. You look at this newbie. You smile and nod and think how long will that last? When will the newness wear off? Maybe there is even a work place pool betting on when the daily grind will take over.

That is how it is with most any new thing. You started. Maybe you did a happy dance in the kitchen. You sang your personal fight song. You feel on the top of the world. Everything you want is coming into your life.

It starts out great! You are knocking things off your to do list. But then it is getting harder. Or you hit a snag. Or have neglected other things and now you have to take care of those things. You got side tracked. Your enthusiasm is slowly fading. You realize this is happening. Now you wonder why you did that happy dance in the kitchen. This new thing, well, you pick at it like the left over turkey on Thanksgiving night. You still like it, but it isn’t what it was when you started.

What to do?

Get in the groove. Keep the momentum going. 

One of the things that will help with this is a little routine. Get in the groove. Commit to working on this new thing at the same time every day. No excuses. When you feel you are slipping and not keeping the project going, give it a shove. Keep the momentum going.  It is easier to keep anything going than to start from a stop.

Commit to others. Vow to accomplish some goal in so many days.

I love writing blog posts. I hope that just one person is inspired even a little every day. I made a commitment to make 1 post a day for 30 days on a special series of little motivators for a  transformation outline for change. This is only day 7, and I am tired of the project. I love doing it, but every day is a lot of commitment. It takes 45 minutes to an hour a day. And I don’t even know if I a reaching anyone. I assume I am reaching someone, but I am not sure. Just in case, here I am.

Do it for you.

Did you start something new to help you to grow as a person? Did you start something to turn your life around? Did you start something out of pure necessity? Just like doing something nice for others or giving a gift, don’t do it for pats on the back. Don’t expect a parade in your honor. Do it for you. The sense of accomplishment is a great thing. And when you help yourself, you really help others. But don’t get me wrong. I think that as you accomplish goals, you should celebrate because it is hard to keep going when the newness wears off or other things get in the way.

Remember, the way things are is your comfort zone. Doing something new is going out of your comfort zone. It is easy to stay comfortable. But when comfortable becomes uncomfortable and you become restless, you need to do something.
