protest the gangs


How are you today? I hope all is well.

Police killing and being killed.

So, tensions are high these days. A cop kills someone. So, someone thinks it is justified to kill a cop. Now, I can understand wanting revenge, but you can’t kill someone for the wrong another person did.  Killing one cop for the actions of another cop is just wrong.

Now don’t get me wrong. I think when a cop kills someone it is tragic. I also think killing a random cop is tragic also. There are so many stories I can’t keep them straight any more.


Let us talk about the protests. Sure, people have the right to peacefully protest. People should be speaking out and saying hey this is not right. But now I propose a question to you:

Where are all the protestors when there is gang violence?

As terrible and tragic as it is when a cop kills someone, it is nothing compared to all the killings that are done by gangs.

Let’s talk about the death of young black men.

Let us face the facts. More young black men aged 15-34 die from homicide. This is black on black crime. Young black males killing other young black males. My guess, mostly gang and drug related.

“Laws are white man laws. My laws are of the streets”

~This is what a young black man said. This is his life.

Protest the gangs

It is not okay when the police kill people unless they are truly in danger. People should speak out. But stop acting as if it is the police who are killing all the young black men. Young black men are the biggest killers of other young black men. If these lives really matter to you, do something about that. Every time a young man, or woman or innocent bystander is killed because of gangs and drugs, no matter the race,  protest that. Are you willing to go into their neighborhood and protest? Why not?

Do more.

You protested the gangs. Now go one step further. Help just one young black male to have a better life. Bring them into society and off the laws of the street. Help them get work out side of drugs or other illegal activity. Start community programs. Give them better places to hang out. Get them involved in helping others. Help them feel accomplished. If every one who is protesting the killings by cops would focus their attention on the bigger issue, black on black crime, and help just one young person, then you will see real results and not just create more tension.

Not just black men that need help.

So, I have been talking about black men. But hey, be realistic. It isn’t just black men who need help. White men and Mexican men they need help too. And let us not forget about the women who are with these men. Help those nearest you who need help.


If we get all these young black men out of their bad situation, and help them be a productive member of society what happens? They are too busy being good they are not up to no good. They are not having run ins with the police. And not getting killed by police. And watch the jail and prison population go down.


Take care now!

lisay, lifecoach