Exercise for mind body and spirit


So I am starting a new military style exercise program. I have modified  military training for civilians. More importantly for a 53 year old woman.

A little about my exercise history. So, I have been a on/off gym person for years. I am currently not a gym person. I have been away from the gym since last November so about 7 months. I still keep up my long walks. My bike needs work. So I am not riding right now. I also have been using free weights.

In general, I consider myself to be in relatively good shape for a 53 year old woman. I do a fair amount of yard work that gives me a lot of exercise. That includes building a rock garden one bag of rocks at a time. It includes putting out who knows how many stepping stones. And then there is the tree trimming, lawn mowing (part of which is done with a push reel mower), and leaf raking. But I want to be in better shape. And hey, it is a lot harder to keep in shape after 40, but not impossible. And frankly, eating right is not enough.

Here is my thought. There are a lot of physically fit people out there. But who, as a whole is more fit than the military? So, I examined their exercise programs and determined the basics of their fitness program. I narrowed it to 12 exercises. Don’t worry. We don’t do them all every day. No, we mix it up. I came up with a 30 day program that repeats.  Some we do nearly every day and some only a couple of times in the 30 day period.

As I said. This is modified for civilians, but that does not make it easy. But, it isn’t military hard either.

If you are looking for a new exercise challenge, I invite you to join me.

Disclaimer: OK, so I really don’t want to have a disclaimer, but it is unfortunately necessary. You are familiar with the disclaimer. It goes something like this: You should consult a physician before starting this or any other exercise program. Anyone following this program assumes full responsibility for their safety. Do not continue if you sense you will be injured.

OK so there you go. If you want to follow this program, there will be 30 posts to give you the daily routine at www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

Hey, if you give it a go, and like it, let me know.