Excitement of winning

Hello friends~

How are you? Are you as confused as I am about what day of the week it is after a three day weekend?

Seems to me that fear is the biggest influence most people have. I know it sounds strange, but people actually fear success and having what they want. This can be health, relationships, career or anything really. Sometimes people get lazy about trying to get what they want because they may actually get it.

If you think about it, you may actually have to lose something to get that thing you really want. Maybe you have to give up personal time. Maybe you have to give up privacy. Maybe it is space on the couch. Or maybe it is the carbs.

Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.

Really, losing one thing may mean you gain pleasure. It may mean leaving your comfort zone, but expanding your world. Life is about trade offs. You may trade off old boring habits for adventure. You may find purpose, passion and boldness.

If you would like a thinking partner, let me know how you would like to win.


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