Ending world anger

Hello good people!

How are you?


So, I have to say I am angry at the anger in the world. We are in turmoil. The world is filled with anger. It is wearing on us. I am so tired of it.

Why is there so much anger? We have been sweeping our problems under the rug for too long. Now these problems are emerging.

Violence and Terror

Why is there so much violence? There is a feeling of  powerlessness. We don’t feel we have any control. We feel terror of not having control.

The  world has become a giant tennis match.

We are trying to fight violence with more violence. We are trying to fight anger with anger. It isn’t working.

A police office shoots and kills someone.  What is the response? Violence. Riots. Protests. Now protests may seem like a good thing. But they are not peaceful. The protestors are angry. They are just putting into the world more and more anger. Furthermore, there are those who think some innocent cop should be killed in retaliation. So, someone goes to a protest and kills cops. Well where is that leaving us? More fear for cops then quick to pull out their weapon to shoot, and the whole thing starts again.

Put an end to anger

Anger is not really a bad thing in an of itself. It is natural to get angry sometimes. But it is what we do with anger that matters.


Stop using the “F” word. That used to be a very disgraceful thing to say. It used to only be done by the trashy people. When did it become so commonplace that it is used by so many? When did it become so every day that we hardly realize how disgusting a word it is. It is an ugly word. It is anger. Stop using it.

Stop giving people the finger. It sort of goes with the above, but not always. It too used to only be done by the riff raff. When did that change? When did that become so common that is at times almost a gesture done as a joke? It is anger. Do you feel happy making that gesture? No. Actually, you may feel more angry.  Stop it!

Stop watching violent movies and listening to violent music. It may seem harmless. But is it? There was a time when an R rated movie was rare and not considered out of the realm of positive entertainment. Now, most movies are R rated. How did that happen? I think for stimulation. People have gotten bored so easily today. But really, is violence the way to go? And violent music. Really, we don’t need to hear about violence and negative things in our music. Some of the music out there is just anger and hate. It is getting into the consciousness of the world.

Stop violent protests. They just promote more anger and hate. They also create the atmosphere for riots and looting. Sure, speak up if you feel the need, but find a peaceful means to do it.

Stop extremely violent sports. Why is fist fighting part of hockey? Well, I think to make it interesting. But really, having people fight in a sport is crazy. Play hockey, but just play. Stop fighting. Stop giving the example that fighting is a way to resolve an issue.

Every day irritants. When every day things create anger, try to control your emotions. I know when the computer freezes it is really frustrating. I know when the plumber is late or charges a lot it is frustrating. When some one makes a bad play at that game you are watching or the official makes a bad call, it is frustrating. But when you feel frustrated ask yourself “so what?”. When I  go to bed tonight will  it still be important? If not, it is not really that important.

Lisa Y. life coach