Happy Saturday

Hello Friends!

Well, I just want to wish you a happy Saturday!

I am working very hard for you! I hope to launch a special program soon. But first I have to do some chores around the house.

But I just want to remind you that I am always here for you! Well, not always, I do have to sleep.

Is there anything I can do for you? It would be my pleasure. I am a general coach. I like to help people with every day issues. Sometimes just talking helps. I know that sometimes I feel lost and confused, and all I have to do is talk and I sort things out. Sometimes we don’t want to talk to family or friends. Sometimes it is better if you talk to someone who does not already know you. Sometimes you need to talk to someone who will not pre judge or can’t because they don’t know your history.

Areas of personal experience include:

 Caregiving and the stress of that.

Loss of a loved one. I have lost both my parents. I miss them both terribly.

The impact of someone on drugs on the entire family.  My nephew and his wife are so lost, but I would never give up hope.

Just to name a few.

Anyway, I am pretty casual. I am not that get in your face and yell sort of coach. I could be if that is what you want, but normally I am pretty quiet. I mostly listen. I question a bit to get you going in the right direction.

OK well, that is all I have for now. I just want to let you know I am here for you.

Have a great day!

Smile for me!

Lisa Yerington, life coach
